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When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Chair

When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Chair by Ryan Rae Harbuck

Her story has (not) defined her. From where she sat, her perspective of the world was both quite ordinary and rivetingly extraordinary—from a paralyzing car accident in her teens to traveling overseas on a journey of self-reflection to becoming a mom. Throughout everything she experienced, she fervently believed in following her given path. She wanted to trust its trajectory. She wanted to be sure. Her story is not about a chair. Her story is about her strengths and how they rose out of her instinctive vulnerabilities. Her story is about her struggles and how they became her victories. Her story is about being willing to hold it all, for herself and the whole of her world. Everyone has a chair. That thing you are bound to or unwillingly defines you. An element that makes you different from the rest. One that you have little choice in the matter. What’s YOUR chair?

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The Sword in the Street by C.M. Caplan


Trial by battle is a holy rite on Hillside. Hired blades bleed their foes in savage duels, settling everything from petty grievances to the corporate laws that keep their citizens in line. Embroiled in these cutthroat political games is John Chronicle, an impoverished swordsman with no better prospects, seeking the duel that will free him from the Dregs. Meanwhile, John’s boyfriend Edwin, an autistic university student, befriends a fellow scholar who claims to study the arcane art of thaumaturgy. When she offers to teach Edwin this subtle magic, he hopes that he can use it to bolster John’s skill with a blade. But thaumaturgy is a dangerous magic, and the forces that drive it have other plans. The couple soon find themselves entangled in the web of intrigue surrounding the swordsmen and their sponsors, and they’re forced to question how bloody they’re willing to get to escape poverty — and they don’t come away with the same answer.

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Deeper, Darker, Older by P. J. Richards

Ancient yew trees - living links between the past and present - embody a magical discipline that offers a way to reach beyond the mundane world. An occult group has rediscovered this knowledge, and uses it to experience a reality where legends live, magic is currency and willpower is a weapon. They find themselves drawn into a hunt for the last magical artifacts left in Britain - but the land is an entity with its own deadly agenda, and is harnessing these individuals for its own ends.

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After waking up in a tower with no memory of events past her adolescence, Rose must examine every nook and cranny of her prison in the sky to solve the mystery of who brought her here and how she might escape. She soon realizes the contents of the room--clothing that fits perfectly, a hairbrush that rests naturally in her hand--are her own belongings, and as she starts to piece together her past, she discovers that an even greater mystery resides in her own identity. There’s a wedding band here, and a golden locket containing a photo of a family she’s convinced are her husband and children. But things aren’t always as they seem, and sometimes desire can send you plummeting mercilessly into the depths. Inspired by Rapunzel, Rose's Gold is a dark fantasy tale about hope, perseverance, and the preservation of love.

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A pissed-off warlock with a taste for revenge. An army of sand-golems with fistfuls of magic. A wishing well with a mind of its own. No wonder Blackpeak, Texas never got its spot on the map. Town marshal Elias Faust thinks that he can make any problem go away if he throws enough lead at it. The living’s easy for a lawman. Bloody, but easy – that is, until Magnate Gregdon arrives with his undead syndicate to tear the town of Blackpeak, Texas apart. When a shootout with a pair of outlaws goes sideways, Elias Faust accidentally draws the Magnate’s attention. As if dealing with arcane sorcery, reanimated corpses, and the Magnate’s personal vendetta aren’t enough, Faust finds himself at the center of a power-struggle for Blackpeak’s eldritch secrets. Suddenly, staying alive just got a lot more complicated. Hunted by a cadre of sandshades and hounded by sinister spellcraft, Elias Faust may be the only bag of skin defiant enough to keep Blackpeak from being destroyed. To outlast the Magnate’s disciples, he’ll need to shoot straighter, run faster, and live longer…even if it means sacrificing a part of himself to do just that.

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Evonne and Vrawg: Bounty Hunters by Jeremy Hayes

Evonne and Vrawg are perhaps the most famous bounty hunters to walk the great western nation of Tauros. Their reputation for catching the nation’s most wanted is unparalleled. But what brought a Taurosian woman, and former pirate, to partner with a giant half-ogre from the Grey Ash Mountains? They both share troubled pasts and each was forced to flee their home. Wild adventures awaited them as they attempted to find a place to fit in. In their darkest hours, they found each other and formed an unbreakable bond. Not everyone, however, see them as heroes. There are those who wish the bounty hunters ill and would stop at nothing to see them buried.

Christmas Creepers: A Flash Fiction Horror Story Collection

Christmas Creepers: A Flash Fiction Horror Story Collection by Justin Schenker

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but not for the people in these stories. In these first-person narratives, each account walks you through a terrifying experience during the Holiday season. A porch pirate’s latest haul leads to a life-changing transformation. A woman’s life takes a dark turn when her Secret Santa gift backfires during the office Holiday party. A grocery clerk awakens a disturbing figure on Christmas Eve. A family has a frightful encounter with a snowman. In these stories and more, it is time for you to sit back, bundle up, and take a sip from your cup of fear.

Wistful Ascending

Wistful Ascending by JCM Berne


A superhero space opera for grownups. For fans of Invincible and Marvel Cinematic Universe films who like a little hard science fiction in their superheroes.
If Thor and Harry Dresden combined in a transporter accident.

Hollow Eyes

Hollow Eyes by A.J. Francis

The city had been empty for decades; empty of the living, that is. It had been forsaken for almost as long as Estin had been dead. Horrors lurked in the shadows of the ruins around him, waiting for the rains to end for their chance to stalk the streets once more. It was the last place he expected to find a little girl, lost and alone. And he was so hungry...

Silver Fire (Chronicles of Asgard: Awakening, #2)

Silver Fire (Chronicles of Asgard: Awakening, #2) by Laura Brewer, Roland Brewer

Rowan and Alvinari’s smooth routine is shattered by hordes of mordkii, larger and far better equipped than any they’ve ever seen, approach their borders. Rowan calls up every fighter and mage across the kingdom. Odin musters Asgard, but they are still horribly outnumbered.They block the advance, but when Alvinari breaks her spear, the replacement she’s given bursts into flame – and so does she. Her fire incinerates the enemies she’s facing – and almost consumes her friends. Hel has just begun to stir wars across the land and on the sea, unleashing demons. No place is safe.

Thief of Souls

Thief of Souls by Emma L. Adams

I'm Liv Cartwright, mage, thief, and unapologetic nerd. Magically talented people like me have two choices: use our powers at the beck and call of the Order of the Elements or be exiled to the realm of monsters. Sounds like an easy choice, right? Not so much. Since my mentor dabbled in forbidden spirit magic and left me to take the fall, I have to pay off his debts without using my magic. I'd rather spend my free time gaming than retrieving valuable objects for the Order, but my latest retrieval job goes from mundane to deadly when I end up on the wrong side of the terrifying King of the Dead. Turns out he doesn’t like thieves, and he likes the Order even less. To make things worse, I run into my ex-boyfriend, a fire mage who's carrying as many secrets as I am, and find my simple thieving job has landed me in the middle of a conspiracy. A second elemental war is brewing, and the key to stopping it lies in my long-buried memories of my mentor's lessons. The catch? If the Order finds out, they'll show me no mercy this time -- and everyone knows there's a good reason spirit magic was banned. People who use it tend to end up dead.

The Crowman

The Crowman by Gareth Clegg

In a dying world, one lone rider is the only hope for salvation.
 Some say the world is shattered, that our way of life is dying. Our sun fills half the sky and the scorched lands struggle to provide enough to sustain us. Still, there has always been hope. But as that fiery red orb descends below the rocky skyline, then comes the shadow: Dark spirits hell-bent on destroying what’s left of humanity, as if we needed any help. My name is Cheveyo Santiago. I cheated death as a child, but that trauma marked me, and now I sense the evil in others. So here I am, drawn like a moth to the flame. Though I carry a revolver, I’m no gunslinger, there are plenty faster on the draw than me. My real edge is knowledge. Old family recipes passed down through the ages – the secrets to banish the shadow back to the hells that spawned it. Salt, Brimstone, Silver and Tallow shall be my weapons.
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