stories in and

The Regrets I Have are Not the Ones I Say

The Regrets I Have are Not the Ones I Say by Or M. Bialik

Aviana Aquila does not have much, but she does have structure. No home but whatever she is currently assigned to, no family, and the closest to a relationship she has is a not very clandestine affair with her emotionally inhibited commanding officer, with whom she dreams to run away. As an Imperial soldier, ever on deployment, she knows she may die at any moment. As a commander, she knows she will need to order people to their deaths. After years on years, she is dull to all of that, existing to exist. But when an Alliance Admiral comes aboard on what was just supposed to be a routine mission, her structured semblance of a life is completely overturned. The Admiral is not a normal being, and possibly insane. Yet her presence may save Aviana in more ways than one and make her rediscover the woman she loves.

Battle Calm

Battle Calm by W.D. Kilpack III

When Badger succeeded his father, Red Skin, as Keeper Base Leader, he was well prepared, raised to handle anything the enemy threw at him. He was the best killer and the most respected tactician. He knew Red Skin’s Laws like he wrote them himself. Most importantly, he was always calm, no matter how frenzied the combat. These were only some of the reasons why he still had all his original parts. Trinity would die for him. Korry would follow him without question. They were Keepers. They fought, they killed, they lived to kill another day, even when it meant bugging out to another Base ... and another. That was life when life was war. They knew nothing else. But even war cannot last forever, regardless of the infallible truth of Red Skin’s Law #35: “Under conditions of peace, men attack themselves; thus, there never has been, and there never will be a time without war. It is the greatest, most perfect thing men can do.”

Heroic Measures

Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin, MD

The medical examiner’s job is to speak for the dead, and protect the living. But what happens when the dead speak for themselves? Stephen Englehart, an Armed Forces medical examiner. dedicates his life to bringing peace to the families of fallen soldiers. Tagged as one of the best, he’s able to spot forensic clues others miss. But when the body of a US Marine, supposedly burned beyond recognition, shows up with hardly a scratch, even Stephen is stumped. Were the bodies switched? Then, in the middle of the autopsy, the impossible happens. The soldier wakes up. Something incredible—and dangerous—is happening to the military’s elite, and Stephen may be the only one who can figure it out. And when Stephen’s sister, a Green Beret, goes missing, the entire military machine seems designed to stop him from finding her. To find the truth and save his sister, one man must stand against an army. Can he be the hero he never thought he could?

Ancient as the Stars

Ancient as the Stars by Maya Darjani

For fans of Lower Decks, the Expanse, and Firefly: a found family time travel adventure with humor, snark, and lots of heart. One kickass immortal sailship captain. Captain Karenna Yilmaz of the Earth Union Fleet has it all. Adoring husband? Check. The enduring loyalty of her crew? Check. Transformation into a beautiful ageless immortal? Check. Check. Check. But when a dimensional rift brings her low-down, dust-sniffing, no-good younger self hurtling into the present, Karenna's carefully-constructed life wavers. One snarky dust-addicted loser. Flight Officer Ren Yilmaz is pretty sick of the hand she's been dealt. Her supervisor is an idiot. Her ex-husband is vindictive and has ruined her career. And now, here's her perfect future self, who everyone fawns over, while Ren is still ignored and alone. They're the same person, 60 years apart Both their ships are stranded: one in space, one in time. Karenna needs to get her crew home safe and sound. And Ren has to get back to her reality and out of Karenna's shadow. Working together would mean literally facing their past–including old traumas and transgressions best kept hidden. But if they don't, they'll be stuck with each other until the end of time.

Selarial's Song

Selarial's Song by Laura Brewer

Ignorance is the greatest danger of all! Selarial ne Talmanor is wary of going on patrol with the mostly human crew of the Ventura. They have a good combat record, but human suspicions run deep. Will they be willing to trust the Sorthian crew of the Equinox? Alcar Trent, Captain of the Ventura, knows the captain of the Equinox. He’s skeptical of the Sorthians’ psychic talents, but he does trust them as strong allies to watch his back in a fight. Can he learn to rely on their abilities – and admit to his own? The Coalition of Free Worlds is on the verge of open war with the Thess’n Empire. As the incidents increase, Selarial and Alcar begin to see the Sorthians are high on the list of targets. When ancient weapons, long thought destroyed, begin to appear, Selarial must trace the source. On Sorth, the Singer Council searches equally ancient records for answers, but finds more questions – and an urgent warning.

Stars Like Fire

Stars Like Fire by Marissa Lupe

Fighting for their freedom was only the beginning, now they must do the hardest thing of all, they must live. Three journeys and one destination will bring them all together. Despite having never met in person, their years of communicating virtually cemented Eleanor’s love for the woman who has her whole heart long ago. But when her love goes missing, Eleanor leaves the safety of Sandstone Estate to rescue her, and ends up finding more than she bargained for. An entire town has had their children stolen, and it’s up to Eleanor to lead the fight to save them, along with the woman that she loves. Theo can’t remember his past, but begins to build his future when a family takes him in as a farm hand. But then the farm is destroyed, a young boy is orphaned, and Theo finds himself slipping into the role of guardian. When the boy receives an urgent message from a mysterious voice through the radio, Theo must guide him across a dangerous and barren landscape in hopes of finding a safe place to call home. Téa and her infant daughter have traveled the continent to restore the land for a grateful nation, but when strangers arrive on her doorstep looking for help, Téa must decide if she can risk opening her heart again. Then tragedy strikes, and Téa is forced to confront her past and meet a new challenge that has the power to rip the Earth to shreds. As Eleanor, Theo, and Téa’s paths collide, the future of mankind is thrust into their hands, and they must work together to save not only themselves, but all of humanity.

Tone of Voice

Tone of Voice by Kaia Sønderby

Kraken Collective

Xandri Corelel has spent six months living among the Ongkoarrat after her unceremonious firing from the crew of the Carpathia, and though she misses her home, she has settled into her new life. Then Diver arrives with news that changes everything. The Hands and Voices--squid- and whale-like symbiotic aliens--are masters of bio-engineering and grow a wide variety of species of coral. Now they are in the process of creating coral that can withstand vacuum, with a most stunning end goal: To grow entire spaceships out of living organisms. The Starsystems Alliance is desperate to lure the Hands and Voices into the Alliance and bring this new technology into the fold. And the Voices and Hands are willing, with one stipulation. They will only negotiate with Xandri and the crew of the Carpathia. Returned from exile, Xandri is given the lead on this new mission. She quickly discovers that willingness isn't the problem; the Hands and Voices want to join, but they want full equality in their membership--including the ability to attend council meetings in person. Amid the sunshine and surf of the tropical, idyllic planet of Song, it seems the biggest hardship Xandri and her friends will face is the task of re-rigging a spaceship to carry creatures the size of killer whales. Then the Last Hope for Humanity arrives, and this time they've brought an army.


Starlight by Chris DeSantis

The lingering mystery of a destroyed planet threatens to unravel the Commonwealth. Lacking answers, the alien races of its constituency—Humanity among them—grow restless. Captain and Fleet veteran Dash Anderton wants a crew, a contract, and to be left alone. Fate lands him in the spotlight when he accidentally saves renowned alien singers—and revolutionary covert agents—Sisters Celescia from deadly operatives of their oppressive homeworld government. The regime seeks secession from the Commonwealth against the wishes of its population. A move that risks a cascading exodus of other member states and a collapse of galactic order. Recruited into the troupe, the singers and crew discover an insidious conspiracy to defeat the Commonwealth. With the Commonwealth’s diplomatic fleet inbound and time running out, the Z Team must battle ruthless assassins, outwit scheming officials, and confront ghosts of the past to salvage peace on the edge of collapse and save countless lives—including their own. Blending The Expanse, Mass Effect, The Collapsing Empire, and The Fifth Element, this book is perfect for fans of science fiction and those new to the genre.

The Z Team

The Z Team by Chris DeSantis

Galactic conspiracies, relentless bounty hunters, savage pirates, and … dock sanitation fines? Something cracked the planet of Auturia in half. Fifty million souls lost to the great void. With them went the Commonwealth’s promise of galactic peace. As the repercussions sweep across the Commonwealth, captain and veteran Dash Anderton struggles to keep his freighter operation afloat, his crew happy, and his past on the dead planet buried—until a new crewmember comes aboard, harboring a secret that has three “bounty hunters” hot on his tail. A secret that may provide answers about Auturia. Now, Dash and crew must outwit deadly scoundrels and corrupt authorities to unravel the seeds of conspiracy before the dark times return. A job that calls for the A Team. But when all you have is the Z Team, strap in and prepare for a wild ride. Fans of science fiction past and present will love The Z Team, a new series from author Chris DeSantis.

The Cranes of Blackwell

The Cranes of Blackwell by J.D. Kellner

Bergden and Alyssa Crane are dutiful citizens of the Regime. Bergden, a Regime blackjack and Alyssa, a faithful wife, do what they can to provide for their son, James even when it means sacrificing their very freedom. But when Bergden is accused of treason, the Cranes must flee for their lives to escape the terrible reach of the Regime. During the escape, Bergden and Alyssa become separated. ​ Now, Bergden and Alyssa will do whatever they must, and against all odds, to unite their family. With the tyrannical Chancellor Kroft hunting them night and day, both must discover their inner strengths to conquer their fears and find each other’s arms. Little do they realize that a greater threat lurks in the shadows.

Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury by David Dixon

A terrifying figure known as The Pale Man has emerged from Carla's past to offer Snake and the boss a sadistic choice: find Carla and bring her to him or lose the Black Sun 490 forever. Snake and the boss have had their squabbles before, but this time they're playing for keeps. The boss can't bear to lose the ship, and Snake won't turn Carla over to The Pale Man, no matter the cost. When a bar fight between the two ends with pistols and blades drawn, they part ways, and it's a race to see who can get to Carla first. But they aren't the only ones involved. On the boss's side, a UNF covert ops team with a penchant for pulling triggers first and asking questions later, and in Snake's corner, a religious cult that holds the clues he needs to reach Carla. Both sides are racing to find her and it will come down to who is willing to shoot first. Snake and the boss may have quick trigger fingers, but will they be able to pull them when they're staring down the sights at each other? In the end, it's Carla's shocking secret that will set them all on course for a violent conclusion that may not leave anybody standing in... Hell Hath No Fury.

Six-Gun Shuffle

Six-Gun Shuffle by David Dixon

Snake and the boss have made a lot of enemies, but up until their trip to Yaeger, they’ve never had any beef with Michael Ver, the galaxy’s most bankable popstar—mainly because they hadn’t met him before. After the boss teaches Ver a lesson about the difference between looking tough and being tough, he finds himself a minor viral video star and catches the eye of a gorgeous redhead named Kell. Things are looking up. That is, until Kell goes missing and the boss goes after her. After a shootout with Ver’s crew, things go from bad to worse—nobody can find Ver, and Snake and the boss are the prime suspects in his disappearance. The next thing they know they’ve got a bounty on their heads and hardly a friend in sight. Carla and Kell are the only people they can count on, but has Kell been playing a different game all along? It’s a mixed-up tale of bounty hunters, crooked cops, popstars and… insurance agents?... in Six-Gun Shuffle.

The Handler's Gambit

The Handler's Gambit by Ingrid Moon

Play the game. Murder the innocent. Don't let them see you sweat. Commander Boone's treacherous secret could save thousands of lives—if he could only escape from the murderous warlord who employs him. He wears his game face while following orders to destroy enemy fleets and handles a reckless assassin with elemental powers. Behind the scenes, he is undermining the warlord's pursuit of an innocent rival. The duplicity and the horrors are taking their toll. Boone wants out. In a bold gambit, he crafts a plan to escape. But his superiors might be catching on, and the plan is not without its own horrors. With everything working against him, including the woman he thought was his salvation, he may not live long enough to execute it. "Absolutely epic action with a tug at the heartstrings.” Space Battles, Biological “Magic,” Ground Assaults, Betrayal, Unlikely Allies The Handler's Gambit is a dark, character-driven thrill ride across the galaxy, where the sacrifices made for freedom clash with the indomitable human spirit.

Fog of War

Fog of War by Forest Wells

SPSFC 2023

“First called, final star, they hold the line.” Years of war have taken their toll on the crew of Gold 1, but there’s no rest to be had. Even as forty years of war seem to be ending, a new threat lurks in the shadows which could tip the balance of power against The United Systems Republic. As the danger grows and battle lines are drawn, Major Jason Harlem, and his fox like Holdren crew, will lead their veteran fighter group back into the fires of war. But with a fragile peace hanging in the balance, forces working behind the scenes of both governments, and an outside threat that may not be “new” at all, Gold 1, and perhaps others, will be tested in ways they never could have expected. Can the Gold Group hold the line one more time, or will the cost of fighting become too great to bear?

Hostile Contact (Weapons of Choice Book 1)

Hostile Contact (Weapons of Choice Book 1) by Nick Snape

SPSFC 2023

When faced with hostile aliens, do you stand down? Or stand by your fellow soldiers? An alien incursion pits a squad of army reserves against the might of alien technology as Military Sci-Fi meets First Contact. The modern-day world panics as alien spacecraft enter the Earth’s atmosphere for the very first time. With desperate governments helpless to act, the small alien force renders Earth’s defence technology ineffective as they race towards their goal. Insubordinate and on the edge, Finn is a War Hero racked by guilt, faced with dragging his rag tag squad of rookies through basic training. Suddenly caught up in a major global crisis, he faces a struggle of epic proportions as his squad are attacked by the alien marines, their advanced technology decimating the best Earth has to offer. Only Zuri, the strong-willed female machine gunner, and Smith, his dead but digitally copied Corporal, can keep him on track, as together they struggle to keep their trainees alive in the face of overwhelming odds. As governments circle, the prize of alien technology breeding greed and uncertainty, Finn and his remaining squad battle for Earth’s future. In this near real-time fight for survival, they discover the aliens are more than they seem, and that alien technology can be just as deadly in the hands of humans as they unearth the Weapons of Choice. An all action, brilliantly paced, and character driven sci-fi novel, Hostile Contact: Book One of the Weapons of Choice sci-fi series, will take you from the forests of Earth to the space between the stars. ‘This is a moment in time humanity will never forget. Hostile Contact’

The Badger Company (Chronicles of The Badger Company Book 1)

The Badger Company (Chronicles of The Badger Company Book 1) by JP Weaver

SPSFC 2023

"If I die, you’d better come back and avenge me, you goddamn ghost in the machine." Malcolm Parker was poised to make history as the habitation engineer who made his country's colonization initiatives possible—until a stealth missile strike destroyed the U.S. moon base. All that’s left of him is his A.I. clone, who must carry on both his fantasy tabletop campaign and the original mission: find and secure the closest habitable system. Trapped inside a space probe with a computer for a brain and other AIs for company, Malcolm and his crew face hostile spacecraft alone. The same assailants in pursuit or an opportunistic third party—either way they seem intent on wiping out the last remnants of America’s space program. Artificial intelligence isn't recognized as people under U.S. law, so as far as the top brass in the U.S. military is concerned, the crew is on their own. Or are they?

The Widow's Tithe

The Widow's Tithe by T.R. Peers

SPSFC 2023

Sasha Michaels has it all. She’s got the looks, some natural, some bought-and-paid for. She’s got the fame, with over one-hundred million Omniverse subscribers and a shot at breaking into the coveted Top 100. She’s got the wealth that comes with both. And she has the ultimate accessory, an even more famous husband. Alex Michaels is a HotDropper, a cybernetic corporate mercenary whose missions are streamed worldwide. But when Alex is killed on only his second mission, Sasha soon finds out that everything she thought she owned is now property of his paymasters, who invested hundreds of millions in him and intend to collect on the debt. Now she must serve as a rank-and-file trooper in the militia of the LifeWise corporation, until she pays off or she dies. Some people call it indentured service, but the troopers know it by a different name. They call it the Widow’s Tithe.

Woe to the Victor

Woe to the Victor by Nathan H. Green

SPSFC 2023

Earth’s been destroyed, but the fight’s not over! Nathan H. Green, author of The Galileo, and Treason’s Temple, brings his degree in aerospace engineering to space combat in this action packed, hard science-fiction thriller. It’s Earth’s last day and Captain Lewis Black drifts though space, watching it burn. The pilots under his command are dead. The war with the Maaravi is lost. Air hisses into space from around the stump of his severed arm. In the distance a Maaravi ship approaches. Whether to torture him for information, capture him as a prisoner, or take him as a trophy, he’ll have one last chance to hurt them. Natasha Palmer, lead engineer on the failed Reaper missile program, knows humanity’s last, desperate, plan won’t work. She’s got one chance to change that, but it will mean a leap of faith beyond all others. Humanity is vanquished, but some battles bring only woe to the victor.

Reality Breaker

Reality Breaker by Daniella A. Gnollwood

SPSFC 2023

For years, the forces of earth have been tampering with genetics, constantly refining and exploiting their Breakers--humans with varying measures of alien DNA . During a routine mission, Breaker Sierra is attacked by a Xoa construct horde and is nearly overwhelmed. She's saved at the last minute by handsome Desmond Carro, a radio operator who's had his eye on her for some time. Neither Sierra nor Desmond know about the terrible secret nestled deep within the Breaker ranks, but when a superior officer orders Desmond to assassinate Sierra, they both know something is deeply wrong. As they traverse the labyrinthine interior of an occupied Xoa moon, they unravel the mystery piece by piece, while falling for each other in the process. Their investigation turns into a race against time when they discover the horrible truth about Sierra's creation. Without assistance, nothing less than humanity's very existence is at stake. With seemingly no one to turn to for help, their problems are compounded by the appearance of a being called the Reality Breaker, who only wishes to see a grim prophesy fulfilled. Thankfully, they aren't alone.

A Perfect Heresy

A Perfect Heresy by Courtney Maguire

SPSFC 2023

Dystopian science fiction perfect for fans of Ursula LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness and The Hunger Games. The City was prosperous once, a beautiful utopia made up of perfect people unplagued by disease or infirmity, existing under the benevolent eyes of the Mother. Its high walls guarded it from the ugliness of the world, making it possible for its Citizens to live by the Mother’s will. But then, the Outsiders rebelled. Tired of being oppressed and exploited by the City for their resources, a Resistance rose up against the City’s rule, attacking its soldiers and drawing them into a genocidal war in which there were no winners. Jax, once a City soldier, now a Heretic, is just trying to make xyr way home when xe meets Koi, a sick Outsider in search of xyr last remaining family, a sibling abducted by City soldiers. Jax’s fragile faith will be tested once again as their journey to the City center exposes truths neither of them were prepared for. Can two people from opposite sides of the wall help each other find what they’re looking for? Previously published on Kindle Vella.

Birthright of Scars: Rising

Birthright of Scars: Rising by Laurisa Brandt

SPSFC 2023

"The problem with a dead legend, is that there's always the threat of him resurrecting. And anytime he does will be inconvenient for those in power."
The Tourmaline Renegade rises in this epic new series.

Falling in love with his bounty hunter was never part of the plan. After the Kobalt empire spent decades suppressing Pyron culture, Emperor Cinnabar designed the walled Pyron sector with only one purpose: extermination. Disrel of Tourmal has little left except his sister, but he won’t accept death without a fight. When the state mandates that all Pyrons relocate to the walled sector, Disrel does not hesitate to don a mask and replace the capitol flag with one that proclaims Pyron is free. What he didn’t count on was a simple act of defiance becoming the symbol of an empire-wide revolution. By the time dawn breaks, a sable commander renowned for catching renegades is on his trail, and Disrel is driven into the center of the resistance against the state. Decorated Sable Commander Ambrosia is ready for the challenge of pulling Pyron resistors off Tourmal’s streets. But the layers of unrest in the capitol go deeper than a masked renegade inciting insurrection, locking her in a deadly dance between conviction and duty, comrades and terrorists—one that requires a flawless loyalty to the state to survive. And the unassumingly charming Disrel keeps getting in her way. Disrel and Ambrosia are thrust into each other’s paths—as renegade and sable, as citizens of the empire struggling to survive the upheaval. But as their feelings for each other grow, they’ll have to choose: one love destined to destroy them both, or the fate of an empire?

Birthright of Scars: Rising is followed by Birthright of Scars: Choosing

Stars Like Acid

Stars Like Acid by Marissa Lupe

Téa, a Latina soldier in training, is used to standing her ground in a world that seems hellbent on bringing her to her knees. Orphaned at age five and held captive on a military base for most of her life, she barely remembers a time before the government controlled her every move. Now, fifteen years later, the Earth is dying, a resistance is forming, and the corrupt government is hoarding resources and information that could save the world. When Téa is forced to marry the son of a terrifying general, she stumbles across a dark secret that could finally dismantle her power-hungry father-in-law’s regime and offer her a chance at freedom. Humans are evolving in dangerous and powerful ways, and Téa may be the most powerful one of them all. Meanwhile, Annabelle, another of Earth’s many orphans, has lived a mostly charmed life. That is if you don’t count the fact that she’s technically a prisoner. Drifting among the stars on Space Station Luna—the top-secret government lifeboat built to save Earth’s ruling class—Annabelle has everything she needs and the woman she loves by her side. But when Téa ends up at the space station, she unravels a web of deceptions that send both women reeling and make one thing perfectly clear: the secrets that connect Téa and Annabelle may be powerful enough to turn the tides of war, save the planet, and set the people free.

Hyvilma (The Kitra Saga #3)

Hyvilma (The Kitra Saga #3) by Gideon Marcus

[A damaged ship, a dying shipmate–can she save both?] Under attack! The flight back to Hyvilma should have been the easy part for the crew of the Majera–until a deadly ambush by pirates sends them reeling through hyperspace. Now getting to the planet in time is the only way Captain Kitra Yilmaz can save her dying friend. But landing at Hyvilma may be impossible: war has broken out on the Frontier. With illustrations by Hugo Finalist Lorelei Esther.


Fauxville by D.K. Pike

After the pandemic, people hugged, friends and families reconnected, but a few short years later we were back to shooting each other.’ David Miller is an amnesiac war veteran struggling to put the pieces of his life back together and adjust to civilian life in 2049's PortCity. His life is turned upside down when an old friend from the conflict shows up, warning him that the war isn't over -- and that there's something buried deep inside his mind that the enemy are after. What follows is a journey of self-discovery that explores subjects involving dissociative identity disorder, grief, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, simulations, and the singularity event.

The Long Lost War

The Long Lost War by Jeff Walker


Far from Earth, in a distant solar system, clone soldiers are stuck in an on-going battle against colonial separatists. John 999801 must battle against an enemy that refuses to give up, and dreams of a woman he feels he's seen before. The life of this low ranking clone soldier is about to take a turn for the worst. Or is it going to open his eyes to the truth? Can one clone soldier make a difference? And who is the woman in his dream? Answers and horrors await him as he joins his fellow replicas to the surface of a planet called... Hell.

Fugitive of Talionis

Fugitive of Talionis by C.J. Milacci

A treacherous journey. A devious enemy. The hunt for the fugitives has begun. Bria Averton and her friends have pulled off an impossible escape after being held captive in the city of Talionis for months. Now they’re on the run and desperate to reach possible allies in Eryndale, but the Commander’s hunt for them is fierce and relentless. Bria fights to keep her friends safe as each day becomes more perilous than the last. With Ark’s forces closing in and new dangers arising, she wonders who to trust and battles her growing fears. But one reality becomes clear: there’s a greater peril than being a recruit of Talionis. It’s being a fugitive.

Recruit of Talionis

Recruit of Talionis by C.J. Milacci

When the world falls apart, one girl must find hope in the darkness. Seventeen-year-old Bria Averton grew up in a small town of survivors near the ruins of Portland, Maine, years after the Demise of North America. But when she is kidnapped and forced to become a soldier in the mysterious city of Talionis, she finds herself thrust into a world of danger and darkness. Unknown forces are at work in the city, and Bria soon realizes that escape is impossible. With her own guilt and the oppressive evil of the city threatening to drown her, Bria must find a way to survive…and discover if hope is possible. Even here.


Kenai by Dave Dobson

SPSFC 2023

Jess Amiko is long past her days as a space marine, with all the glory of that time tarnished beyond repair by what came after. Trying to rebuild from the ashes, she's taken a job as a security guard on Kenai, a lonely world far from the Council systems. It's supposed to be easy duty - quiet and peaceful, on a docile world with no real threats, watching over an archeological dig at a site built by a race long vanished. Betrayed and attacked by forces unknown, and finding that nothing on Kenai makes sense, Jess is plunged into a desperate fight for survival that leads her deep into the mysteries of Kenai's past, and deep into the hardship and paradox the planet imposes on all who call it home.

The Forsaken Planet

The Forsaken Planet by Bryan Wilson

SPSFC 2023

The world is more than just a planet. It’s an ancient tribute to the woman who guided it from ruin, a devastation she foresaw arising again. When mysterious aircraft wreak havoc across Earth’s skies, it is revealed that there are clusters of other planets where humankind resides, distant worlds where the people wield the power of the stars themselves. It is an energy force that can bring about miracles or, as the alien fleet’s ruthless leader displays, unleash horrors beyond imagination. After experiencing a loss during the onslaught, Colton Samson, an ordinary college student, vows to protect his loved ones at any cost. But to learn the power to do so, he must enlist into the Army of the Universal Throne—a second alien force with its own agenda. With the revelation of a secret prophecy foretelling humanity’s demise and Colton’s improbable role in preventing it, he embarks alongside a diverse group of friends to the Throne’s capital, the planet of Vintara. There he faces prejudice from supposed allies, lifelike combat simulations that test him to his core, and the looming threat of a universal war. Only by embracing his true potential can Colton hope to secure the safety he seeks, in a universe that views him as nothing more than Forsaken. -A coming-of-age story about family, the bonds of friendship, and leaping blind into the dark to protect them both. Come learn the truth about Earth’s ancient past alongside Colton, journeying with him to Vintara, where action, mystery, and a side of romance await. It’s time we all begin to grasp the true power of the stars

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant

Divinity’s Twilight: Remnant by Christopher Russell

Divinity's Twilight: Remnant is the much-anticipated sequel to the multi-award-winning epic fantasy novel, Divinity's Twilight: Rebirth. Power is a curse. As Vallen and his fellow cadets flee fallen Darmatia, he is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. The friend who perished that he might live. The girl whose smile haunts his nightmares. Now, a third voice joins them—something dark, something ancient. And the more Vallen uses his magic, the stronger it becomes. Tools exist to be used. The flames of Sylette's vengeance are all but quenched. With each passing day, the dominion of the Sarconian Empire grows, and her treacherous father's throat drifts further from her reach. Sylette's last hope is a coded message, one that promises a growing resistance against the Empire. But even if she gains the means to avenge her mother's murder, one question remains: how many 'tools' is she willing to sacrifice to see her vengeance through? What color is love? Renar has learned to hide a great many things: his emotions, his art, and one truly devastating family secret. But when he must face the man who's controlled his life from the shadows, will he choose the family he's always known, or the dysfunctional crew he's been shackled with? For every ending, a beginning. Embers of conspiracy flare in Nemare and Sarconia. A resurrected Sarcon plots to reclaim his imprisoned flesh. As the winds of war swirl and forgotten myths rise, the choices these cadets make could save their country . . . . . . or unleash something far, far worse.

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth

Divinity’s Twilight: Rebirth by Christopher Russell

“Russell’s new high fantasy series launch is well written with a definite steampunk vibe and sword-and-sorcery appeal.” —Library Journal A world consumed by war. An ancient evil resurrected. A millennia-old bargain comes due . . . When two blades clash, the third will fall, and the fate of all will be jeopardized. To save Lozaria, the failures of the past must be atoned for by a new generation of heroes. The time has come for mortals to cast off sight and, in doing so, truly come to see . . . Victory is never absolute. Seven centuries ago, the forces of order won the Illyriite War on the plains of Har’muth. Darmatus and Rabban Aurelian slew their elder brother, Sarcon, the despotic architect of the conflict, then sacrificed themselves to banish the cataclysmic vortex opened with his dying breath. The first advent of the Oblivion Well was thwarted. Even without their vanished gods, the seven races of Lozaria proved themselves capable of safeguarding their world. Or so the story goes. The year is now 697 A.B.H. (After the Battle of Har’muth). Though war itself remains much the same, the weapons with which it is waged have evolved. Airships bearing powerful cannons ply the skies, reducing the influence of mages and their spells. Long-range communication has brought far-flung regions of Lozaria closer than ever before. At the center of this technological revolution are the three Terran states of Darmatia, Rabban, and Sarconia, who have fought a near ceaseless campaign of seven hundred years in an attempt to best each other. The roots of their enmity lie buried beneath the wasteland of Har’muth, a place all three nations consider best forgotten. However, an ancient power sealed within Har’muth has not forgotten them, and the descendants of those who fought on that field must now take a stand to rectify the mistakes of the past . . .

The Descendants of Prontoth

The Descendants of Prontoth by Mark Raines

An eight-hundred-year, galaxy-spanning hunt nears its conclusion setting up a confrontation thousands of years in the making. For eight hundred years Timion High Command has hunted the Descendants of Prontoth across the galaxy. Wars were fought, lives were lost, but the Descendants of Prontoth remained at large. Hamron Modestus knows Timion High Command has been doing it wrong. Their quest for revenge made them blind to the allies they would need to bring the Descendants of Prontoth to justice. In his new position of power, Modestus is on their trail, ready to succeed where High Command had failed. Caught in the middle of this inevitable confrontation is retired General Dash Cricken and the entire crew of the Prometheus. Dash and his crew discover evidence of a secret alliance formed to bring down the Descendants of Prontoth. The crew of the Prometheus is caught in the crosshairs of Timion High Command, forced to defend themselves against the hunter on their trail and dissension within their own ranks. Any failure could jeopardize everything they have worked toward. The Descendants of Prontoth is the action-packed sequel to Mark Raines' debut Novel, Felan's Rescue, following the crew of the Prometheus on another wild adventure.

The Wolf in Me: Survive

The Wolf in Me: Survive by Alex Smith

The 23rd century is nearing its end. Having been treated as subhuman (and worse) for over 300 years, the Wolves - a race of wolf-human hybrids - have reached their breaking point. With a clear threat of war rising daily, the US Military devises a plan to destroy the beasts they helped create. However, utilizing their intelligence and raw bestial instincts, the Wolves hatch a plan of their own: plunge the entire world into a war to end all wars! In the aftermath of a deadly airship crash, Percy - a six-year-old human boy - finds himself behind enemy lines; in the claws of the creatures he's been taught to fear his entire life. Xander - a twenty-eight-year-old elite black ops Wolf, finds himself with a very difficult choice to make; kill the innocent child he has found, or be ostracized by his own kind and protect the boy? What is a small, frail, boy to do when surrounded by beasts fighting to end his very existence? Survive!

Cold Rising

Cold Rising by Rohan O'Duill

After a job gone wrong, Special Agent Olgo is trapped within the bowels of Mars with no means of escape. The device that imprisons the trauma within them is about to fail, and the past terrors kept hidden by it must be contained for Olgo’s sanity and everyone's safety. From the darkness comes a tiny voice, and a tinier hope, "Hello?" *** The first book in the ‘Cold Rush Verse follows Agent Olgo as their corporate masters give them what could be their big break, a mission to Mars. But trying to change the working conditions in the planet's underground cities proves more challenging than the agent could have imagined. When a wearable device Olgo uses to block emotions begins to fail, an unlikely friendship changes everything as Olgo struggles to prevent spilling more blood on the Red Planet.

Kal's Fate

Kal's Fate by Aaron Frale

SPSFC 2022

An innocent girl with a mysterious father… … finds herself a fugitive on the galaxy’s most wanted list. Considered too fragile, Kal is forbidden to join the raising of the Et’Tal’s home and feels as if she has shamed her family. Her lithe stature links her to her absent father. He left the village to fight in the Teristaque Wars and never returned. She meets Sarge, a strange star species called Human, who seems to know the secret of the patch from her father’s uniform. Before she can get clarity, a fierce Teristaque death squad descends on her village, murders everyone in it, and takes Kal prisoner. Kal wants more than just answers. She wants revenge.

Moon Deeds

Moon Deeds by Palmer Pickering

SPSFC 2022

It's 2090: the last outpost of freedom is the moon, the best defense against technology is magic, and the only hope for humankind rests in the hands of the Star Children. Twins Cassidy and Torr must save Earth from a ruthless enemy at a time when the only force more powerful than alien technology is magic. Moon Deeds launches the siblings' journey across the galaxy, where they must learn their power as the Star Children, claim their shamanic heritage, and battle dark forces that threaten humankind. The Star Children Saga follows Cassidy and Torr as they slowly awaken to their destiny as the twin Star Children, born every millennium to reconnect with the source of all life. They come to discover the sheer enormity of their task: to find our ancestors on a lost planet across the galaxy and save humanity from a spiraling descent into darkness. The powers they must wield to accomplish this task are truly frightening and put at risk everything they love. Come along with 20-year-old twins Cassidy and Torr, who inherited deeds to land parcels on the moon. They want to use their moon deeds to get off Earth and escape a brutal dictatorship. But first they must unlock their shaman powers. A rollicking yet poignant adventure in the not too distant future, when we have colonized the moon and nearly lost Earth to a dictatorship. Only the shamans remain free, plus the lucky ones who escaped to the moon. Join the adventure! An addictive space opera, science-fantasy series.

Star Marque Rising

Star Marque Rising by Shami Stovall

SPSFC 2022

The future is governed through a genetic hierarchy—superhumans at the top, humans and defects at the bottom. Welcome to an all-new military science fiction novel from critically-acclaimed author Shami Stovall. Clevon Demarco, a genetically modified human, has a cocksure attitude and the combat skills to back it up. With his unparalleled skills, he makes his living as a ruthless gunrunner on a shady space station near the edges of the quadrant. Stronger, faster, and wittier than most sad sacks, no one even comes close to Demarco’s abilities—until he crosses paths with the captain of the notorious Star Marque, Endellion Voight. Captain Voight arrests Demarco and offers him a choice: go to a prison planet for his crimes, or join her starship, the Star Marque, working as mercenaries for the superhumans. But she didn't pick him at random. She has a plan to become a planet governor; a title no human has held since the superhumans won the war. It doesn’t matter the cost—assassinations, extortion, blackmail—she’s determined to claw her way to the top. All Captain Voight needs is Demarco’s help to carry out her machinations, and she’ll give him everything he’s ever wanted in return. A fast-paced space opera for those who enjoy Old Man’s War by John Scalzi, Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds, or anything by Robert A. Heinlein.

Black Table

Black Table by Anttimatti Pennanen

SPSFC 2022

Jon and Gus, science fiction fans from Finland with a penchant for fist bumping and pop culture references, travel to the Portland Comic Con where tragedy strikes. Their hero, Dr Wells, suffers a heart attack. With his dying breath, the doctor exhorts Jon to “find the …” as he pushes a book into Jon’s hands. Following clues inscribed in the book, Jon and Gus discover an alien structure with a mysterious Black Table which they accidently activate, transporting them to an alien world. Jumping from world to world via the Black Table galactic transportation network, Jon and Gus embark on the adventure of a lifetime where they encounter monsters, alien tech, giant vessels made of water and make new friends. But those friends are facing an unstoppable and mindless enemy. An enemy that is destroying the galaxy, and Earth is next in its path. Can two fans from Finland save the day? Black Table is a rollicking yarn of two likeable, wise-cracking friends who like nothing better than pranking each other. That is, except when they are not doing something more serious, like saving the universe. JOIN THE FIGHT, JOIN THE BLACK TABLE NETWORK!

Star Nations

Star Nations by James Michael Minard

SPSFC 2022 SPSFC 2023

“Duty is heavier than a mountain. Death is lighter than the morning air. My loyalty belongs forever to the one I love.”
—Commander Leera en Tasrah. Five superior star nations struggled for dominance over their galaxy, unaware a more significant threat punctured the fabric of space and entered from a parallel universe. This new threat had a name: the Cepha. They conquered entire galaxies, consumed and exploited worlds, and enslaved sentient beings.
Humans, Kazarians, Zorlons, and the other minor star nations' only chance of survival against the Cepha was to forget their differences and stand together. But was that possible? How do you put aside three hundred years of hate and endless wars, which cost billions of lives? Where does loyalty belong? Is their honor in fighting alongside your enemy? What does duty require? STAR NATIONS is book one of the Loyalty And Honor Series.


Traitor by Krista D. Ball

SPSFC 2022

Seven years ago, Rebecca St. Martin took the coward’s path to save her skin. She has lived with that decision, eking out a life as an indentured servant on a space station far from home. Only now, fate has decided to give Rebecca another chance. A ghost from her past plans to execute a daring rescue from the prison bowels of the station Rebecca now works. Rebecca has to face the same decision she made all those years ago. Could she watch her friends be murdered? Or could she, just for once, be a hero?


Blackthorne by Clayton Snyder

SPSFC 2022

Framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Haunted by the ghosts of his past. Incarcerated in the most notorious prison in the Freeholds. Fate has mauled Mattias Temple, a failed cadre necromancer, leaving him with little hope. Until a rogue military squad kidnaps the governor and threatens the city with a magical plague, giving him a shot to redeem a lifetime of mistakes and be the one thing he never thought possible: A hero. As the body count rises Mattias finds himself neck-deep in trouble and drowning in ghosts. Outnumbered and outgunned, he has one choice left: Cut a bloody swathe through his enemies or die trying.

Astral Fall

Astral Fall by Jessica Mae Stover

SPSFC 2022

A hundred-year interplanetary war receives little attention from the military’s greatest warriors. Until five of them devise a secret plan to end it. From Midwest Book Review:
"Without providing spoilers, suffice it to say that Astral Fall attempts to identify, address, and turn upside down reader preconceptions of [...] the nature of military sci-fi as a genre. And, it succeeds. Think the classic Ender's Game, but without any attempt to mimic Orson Scott Card's scenarios or success. Think a military battle structure holding the epic confrontations of Lord of the Rings, complete with its promise of multiple series books; yet with an attention to intricate detail that belays the (too-often) hasty series production. There is no artificial division of action felt in Astral Fall.

Heritage (Tales of the Phoenix Titan 1)

Heritage (Tales of the Phoenix Titan 1) by S.M. Warlow

SPSFC 2022

Heritage is the debut novel from S.M. Warlow and the first instalment of the Tales of the Phoenix Titan series. This space opera is perfect for fans of Firefly, the Expanse, Star Wars and Mass Effect. Make them proud, son of Earth. 25 years after the fall of Earth, the Commonwealth is locked in a vicious, galaxy-spanning war against the Revenant. Countless worlds have been lost in the fighting, and now one crew must come together and stand in the way of galactic annihilation. Nathan Carter is an efficient criminal, but when he's hired to steal supplies from a Commonwealth warship, what starts as an easy job soon transforms into something that could change the course of history. Now, Nathan must work with a group of unlikely allies to protect a woman whose heritage is the key to everything.

Pink Apocalypse

Pink Apocalypse by Carpenter Gibson

SPSFC 2022

Forget diamonds, in the Post Apocalypse, Bullets are a girl’s best friend! Pink is a mysterious woman who walked out of the wastes. She is an up and coming member of the Patrol. They are the sheriffs of the wild wastes, taking on zombies, mutants, bandits and robots left over in the ruins. Pink is now freshly promoted and set out on a seemly mundane mission with three other wasteland warrior women at her side. However, she is haunted by a failed expedition to find her mentor in more ways than one. Pink must now lead this team of bad ass bullet babes into the wastes for answers. The End of the World was just the beginning of Action and Adventure!" The world ended in the weird future of an alternate earth. Zombies stalk the wasteland! Mutants lurk in the ruins! Forgotten robotic soldiers still patrol the devastation. Raiders and rival tribes war over scraps. But there is hope. Braves souls still seek the tame the wasteland and ensure humanity's survival. Intrepid settlers and traders struggle to make a slightly better future. In such strange times tales of adventure abound. Pink's story is but one. Come see the wild west of the post apocalypse with us!

Sudden Death

Sudden Death by L.L. Richman

SPSFC 2022

'Sudden Death’ is just a theme park thrill ride. Until it's not. Fresh off his first Marine deployment, Boone must now choose between two schools: Intelligence or Scout Sniper. Though he’s shown clear aptitude for the second, he’s not sure he has what it takes to do the job. When he puts the decision aside to join his buddies on a day of leave, the last thing Boone expects to see is a naval weapons locker in the hands of a man who is clearly not Navy. On impulse, he shadows the man, only to find himself running for his life… smack into a Unit operator. Now he has two options: join the fight or remain behind. But the choice he’s been given is really no choice at all. For the only way to save the park is for Boone to embrace his calling. The fate of thousands rests on this one decision. He’d better make it a good one.

In Every Clime and Place

In Every Clime and Place by Patrick LeClerc

SPSFC 2022

Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful. The motto of the United States Marine Corps. Words to live by. On the ragged edges of civilization, Corporal Michael Collins has lived those words, taking on riots and evacuations, rebels and terrorists. Asteroid belt patrol is just another deployment. Ninety nine percent boredom, one percent terror. But soon the platoon of Marines find themselves entangled in the threads of a conspiracy of corporate greed, government corruption, piracy, and a band of war criminals. As the fire team leader struggles with tensions in the close knit unit, Collins and his fellow Marines find themselves outnumbered in a pitched battle to stop a corrupt land grab that seems right out of the Old West, but on a new, wider, more unforgiving frontier. And now he must confront the harsh demands of being “always faithful.” Semper Fi. Words to live by. Words to die by. Time to earn that combat pay, Marines. Welcome to the Suck. And remember, you volunteered for this.

Bloodstained Skies: The Vanquisher of Kings I

Bloodstained Skies: The Vanquisher of Kings I by Dagmar Rokita

After a bloody revolution, a royal warrior named Erilaz and his companions are exiled from their kingdom. They subsequently choose to hide on a distant planet, where they risk their lives every day. One day he will return. Meanwhile, the king of his planet makes a single mistake that calls into question all his plans and hopes, leading him to become increasingly paranoid. His concerns are justified; however, there is a much worse danger than a band of local rebels.

Bloodstained Skies: The Core of Rage

Bloodstained Skies: The Core of Rage by Dagmar Rokita

After years of tension, war has finally come to the Union worlds. Hordes of rebels, seeking revenge for their lost worlds, ravage the Peripheral Zones. One of the leaders of the rebellion is Charon Antares. When another one of his braver mission ends in disaster, the rich and powerful sovereign plans to deprive him of his authority. To save his status, Antares agrees to execute her insane order that may cost the lives of thousands of his people. A young and easy-going girl named Cerridwen finds out about the tragedy that happened to her family. She vows revenge, but without collaboration with Antares and the rebels, she will not be able to fulfil her plan. Meanwhile, a group of the Union scientists decides to end the rebel's invasions, once and for all - they build a deadly, inhumane weapon out of sight of the government.

Echo: Part Two

Echo: Part Two by Michael Listen

Death is not the end. Kai Randal’s future looks bleak due to the galaxy-wide bounty on his head and the catastrophic events at Zorb Keep. Meanwhile, Shreya holds onto hope amidst her despair, as she now possesses the means to find her missing husband. As the crew embarks on a journey through an uncharted region of the universe, Kai will come to comprehend the depths of despair like never before. Kai will face a deeply disturbing situation that will push him to his limits and make him doubt his own mental stability. The Echo series reaches a captivating conclusion that explores the profound impact of loss on individuals. The story takes a heart-wrenching turn, shifting the tone and keeping emotions high. Despite this, the novel remains engaging and ultimately provides a gratifying resolution.

Echo: Part One

Echo: Part One by Michael Listen

What lengths would you go to save a stranger? Kai Randal is a retired commander of the Colonial Navy who currently operates as an independent pilot in a galaxy torn apart by conflict. Although his profession is fraught with peril, he seems to possess a unique form of good fortune that allows him to survive while also making the situation worse. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is typical for Kai. Although, when he becomes the sole witness to an alien attack on a Dynasty ship, he is put in an awkward position to help the victims. This one act of kindness will send him spiraling deeper into the affairs of Shreya Nova, the enemy, and her troubles have just started. The Echo series is a thrilling Space opera consisting of two books. It features endearing characters with complex problems that will keep you on the edge of your seat, engrossed in the intense drama and despising the antagonist.

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