Wheel of Fate


Wheel of Fate by AK Faulkner

The wheel turns. Laurence figured he'd be planning his wedding as soon as he got home; instead he's pulled away from his fiancé to track down Rufus' missing mom. Worse, the last person he'd ever want help from is on his side, and Laurence can't afford to say no. Surrounded by strands of fate that rapidly became a web, Laurence's only hope is to aim for the spider at its heart, but Vincent Harrow has been weaving it since before Laurence was born. Trapped between two evils, neither of which are lesser, Laurence is about to discover that there really are fates worse than death.

AdultFantasy/ContemporaryRomance/ParanormalFantasy/Mythic, Retelling, and FolkloreDiversity Representation/LGBTQ+/Own VoicesDiversity Representation/Mental Health

Content Warning: Graphic/Explicit CW for confinement, blood, torture, murder, death. Moderate CW for cursing, vomit, sexual assault, rape, pregnancy, abandonment, ableism, disassociation, kidnapping, gore, violence, gun violence, injury detail, medical content, slavery, animal death, child death, parental death.

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Booksthatburn avatar Booksthatburn book blogger

Worldbuilding: Aided the story
Plot: Mostly clear
Characters: Roles are clear
Storytelling: Balanced
Immersion: Didn’t want to put the book down
Emotional Response: Strong emotions
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Adequately represents the story
Content Warnings: Graphic/Explicit CW for confinement, blood, torture, murder, death.

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