The Bloods of a Withering Kingdom


The Bloods of a Withering Kingdom by Corey Ratliff

Bör Mesari burns. Velensmir is on the brink of war with Grayhorn. The dwarves return to the light. The druidic Gods are on the move. And the Ashen Empire has risen. Aric and Eldras reunite to find themselves thrust under the shadow of prophecy and a choice that will change the world forever. One path will see them in someone else's shackles, while the other is painted in secrets and lies. Moro and Trenara prepare to part ways as he discovers the mistake he made that will bathe the lands in blood. His powers grow and he begins to hear a voice bound to his fate and soul. In the south, Donalis discovers the dark plans of the High King to rewrite the map of Verilia as three cities collide. Now, he must make the choice to remain loyal to his king, or hold onto his morals. Death will meet Life as unforeseen enemies are revealed. Old foes reemerge. Alliances form in the most unlikely. When the rise of the Shadow bond threatens every faction, can heroes prevail where all else have failed before?

AdultFantasyFantasy/DarkWar and Military FictionFantasy/Epic and High

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Reviewed by arianavictoria avatar arianavictoria book blogger on :

Worldbuilding: Aided the story
Plot: Mostly clear
Characters: Some more thought out than others
Storytelling: Descriptive
Immersion: Didn’t want to put the book down
Emotional Response: Strong emotions
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Adequately represents the story

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