Electronic Gods (Imagined Realities) by Seth Rain Gods are real, but you might not be… January Day is a detective on the verge of self-destruction, ready to give up on ever finding her brother’s killers. But when she finally unearths a lead and tracks them down, she uncovers a truth that changes everything. Her reality is only one of innumerable others designed by architects. Not only this, but it is a failure and nominated for deletion. If she wants to save herself, her reality, and the lives of countless others in an ever-expanding multiverse, she must first believe she, her reality, and those who live in it, deserve to be saved at all. Designed with elements of cyberpunk and dystopian fiction, Electronic Gods promises to blow your mind and put it back together in an entirely new way. Adult • Science Fiction • Science Fiction/Cyberpunk and Biopunk |
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Submitted by Wadjet5 on September 1, 2022 | Are you the author?