Icemoon by Simon Steele After experiencing a tumultuous journey to reach the city of Gallerheim, Ulva and her companions would be forgiven in believing that the worst of their troubles were behind them. In fact, they are just beginning. Whilst John, Ulva and Brenna sequester themselves behind the city walls for their safety, Einar, Kit and their newfound ally Freki must travel to the Isle of Icemoon in search of a godly figure who may be able to provide them with the knowledge needed to craft a powerful artifact that could save Norway from the Dark Wolf Fenrir. But the dangerous journey will force Einar, Kit and Freki to walk frightful and mysterious paths that few tread and even fewer return from alive. In the meanwhile, Ulva struggles to contain her lycanthropy, which is beginning to spiral out of control. Adult • Horror • Fantasy/Dark Content Warning: Contains gore, horror, nudity, torture and scenes of a sexual, distressing and disturbing nature. |
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