Santa Claus: The Beginning by Terry Broxson On Christmas Eve 1839, an extraordinary young toy maker named John Nicholas is visited by his angelic best friend Ben and their mentor, Mr. Rudolph Stern. The angels present John with a mission: to embrace the role of Santa Claus and bring joy to children worldwide. Follow John as he encounters magical elves and meets Jessica, the manager of Santa's castle at the North Pole. Experience the excitement of Santa's first global trip on Christmas Eve, 1840, as the story reaches its heartwarming conclusion. This enchanting tale unveils the origins of a talented toy maker, his special abilities, the loyal reindeer by his side, and the devoted friendships that shape his destiny. Suitable for all ages, this classic story is a delightful adventure filled with magic, imagination, and the spirit of Christmas. Middle Grade • Children’s Fiction • Children’s Fiction/Science Fiction and Fantasy • Children’s Fiction/Picture Books |
Get Santa Claus: The Beginning
Reviewed by CJDaley writer on :
Worldbuilding: Piqued curiosity
Plot: Mostly clear Characters: Some more thought out than others
Storytelling: Balanced
Immersion: Satisfying, fulfilling experience Emotional Response: Engaging
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Matches the story well This is a reimagining of the story of Santa Claus. It starts with an immigrant toy maker and his toy shop. He eventually adopts two orphans that have good carving skills, and makes them his apprentices. One of the children ends up being Santa. |
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