Talia:Heir to the Fairy Realm by Joel Flanagan-Grannemann Talia, the young Iridescent-winged Heir to the Fairy Realm, and Prince Bastile, the Heir to the Human Realm, have embarked on a forbidden love affair, and their choice will have consequences for both their worlds. After a stunning betrayal, Talia, her 8 Ladies, and her Heir's Guard (9 female Fairy soldiers) bravely set off on a journey through the Fairy Realm in search of answers about the Exile Queen, a reviled ancestor. ⚠However, Talia's evil Aunts, the Three Sisters, and others in both the Fairy and Human courts stand in her way, not understanding the ancient prophecy that Talia is destined to fulfill. ★★★Will Talia be able to save both the Fairy and Human Realms from the devastations of another war?★★★ If you enjoyed The Cruel Prince by Holly Black, you will be captivated by this exciting story of Talia and Prince Bastile's forbidden love affair and the stirrings of horrible hostilities between these two vastly disparate Realms. Adult • Fantasy/Epic and High • Fantasy/Court Intrigue • Fantasy/Progression Fantasy • Fantasy/Mythic, Retelling, and Folklore Content Warning: Mention of rape, abuse and suicide. Not graphic on the page. |
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