Android Affection - Book 1: Rogue Zero


Android Affection - Book 1: Rogue Zero by Beau Van Dalen

Ian's parents were murdered. The culprit isn't human—he's a robot. Androids used to be Ian’s passion. Now, he sees them as mindless killing machines to be feared. After Ian's adoptive family kick him out for being transgender, Ian finds himself homeless without a soul to turn to for help—which is when he meets Gilbert: a mysterious detective who treats Ian to breakfast one fateful day. Gilbert tells Ian about a case close to his heart. He drags Ian into adventures far beyond Ian's wildest dreams. And then, Ian falls in love. But it is wrong. So wrong. Because Gilbert is an android, and Ian swore he'd never trust another machine again.

AdultScience Fiction/RomanceRomance/Action and AdventureDiversity Representation/LGBTQ+/Own VoicesDiversity Representation/LGBTQ+Science Fiction/Cyberpunk and Biopunk

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