Strangers in the High City by J.E. Cabrera Dwarf Gladiators. Elven Holy Warriors. Men and women powered by the gods themselves. These are the kinds of characters you will fall in love with in Strangers in the High City. The Lunar Gods have abandoned their children. In their absence the world has grown cold. The Covenant, a nation that was meant to unite Elves, Dwarves and Humankind, is broken. The dwarves are forced to endlessly produce resources to support The Covenant’s unending hunger for expansion. The Covenant’s caste system continues to divide its once proud human citizens. The elves have grown disinterested in the toils of the humans choosing instead to live in their own lands. It’s all coming to a boiling point where there is no turning back. Follow the strangers that inhabit this land as they fight for a place in it… Gareth Stormkin a farm boy in search of adventure. Little does he know it will soon find him at a great price. Auric Redbeard a dwarf that has finally earned his place as a citizen of The Covenant. Ruxson a stable hand on a mad quest for revenge. This tale is for the fantasy lover, the reader looking for characters to fall in love with and worlds to discover. Adult • Fantasy/Mythic, Retelling, and Folklore • Fantasy/Epic and High |
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