Valder by Brandon Stauffer Reed is a lower-class citizen scraping by in a world ruled by immortal beings called Aetherians. While working at the shipyard, an unexpected delivery brings about the attention of the vile Devlin Serridan, the ruler of the Aetherians who seeks to destroy a rising rebellion among the humans. Shaken out of his apathy, Reed finds himself embedded as an upper-class spy among the Aetherian military. During his clandestine facade, he builds relationships with some Aetherians, and finds his boiling hatred turn to bewilderment as he gets to know a commanding, but benevolent, Aetherian girl. This double-sided life leads him to discover hidden truths about their Gods, their mortality, and the lies that led to the foundation of their society. Reed becomes a symbol of the rebellion to take Devlin off of his throne, seek retribution, and restore what was taken from humanity. Adult • Science Fiction |
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