stories in and


Upscaled by Joseph John Lee

It begins and ends, as things do, with a girl throwing a birthday party for a dragon. Or it would, if things were ever that simple. Generations ago, the Inquisition of the Priory of the Thrice-Dead Prophet decided that dragons were a great evil and it was their duty to banish them from the land of NĂłra. The dragons weren't (they just grew tired of the bother and migrated north), and the Inquisition didn't (they just pretended otherwise), but that's beside the point. Though evidence of dragons still existed, it remained within the realm of smugglers, ne'er-do-wells, and people with too much time and money on their hands . . . until a hatching egg finds its way into the hands of a young girl named AilĂ­s. Now, with the first newborn dragon seen in generations in her company, AilĂ­s finds herself beset by merchants, brigands, Inquisitors, and a greedy governor, and all she wants to do is throw a birthday party for her dragon. And you thought planning a party for your kids was tough.


Hoard by Django Wexler

Eva and her party thought their job was simple: deal with the dragon. But when they find a vast cache of treasure, getting it back to civilization becomes an adventure in itself, with gold-sniffing monsters, courteous bandits, and worst of all: bankers.

Xiapo Yellip Zump (book 1: Let the Adventure Begin!)

Xiapo Yellip Zump (book 1: Let the Adventure Begin!) by Yehuda Shapira

Sure, the prophecy sounds fake. And it's a total cliche. But Xiapo lacks backbone, and is bullied into taking the responsibility to save the planet. Aided by his glowing dog and magical staff that doesn't do anything, Xiapo must face thugs, demons, mysterious Things, lack of toilet paper and — worst of all — boredom, on his epic mission to save Earth before it is destroyed by those bumbling humans. "This book is a work of art!" - Author's mother "I would suggest this book to people who don’t mind spelling mistakes" - Christy E, Amazon customer

Beyond Misty Mountain

Beyond Misty Mountain by Stephen Howard


Something is afoot in Seven Cities. A beast, long thought extinct, is stirring. While King Edirp dreams of a world on fire, his adviser, Med Tet, dreams of a world in chains. The fragile peace of Seven Cities could soon shatter for good. Unless three unlikely thieves, a tea-obsessed wizard and a stubborn young girl can stand in the way. Seven Cities is in safe hands, right?

Magic on the Cards

Magic on the Cards by Marina Finlayson

SPFBO10 Gryphons And Grimoires

Never trust a werewolf. I’m the weakest cartomancer who ever lived, but I can use Tarot cards to work magic. Most days. That makes me the natural prey of the Soldiers of the Light, the jumped-up werewolves who police the magic community. They’ve hunted cartomancers for centuries because of some stupid ancient feud. Never speak to a werewolf. I’m helping the local vampires track a rogue that’s menacing our little town when I knock a handsome stranger off his motorbike. He’s badly hurt but refuses medical help. So I take Mr Tall, Dark and Suspicious home—and find out he’s a Soldier. Because that’s just the kind of day I’m having. Never, under any circumstances, fall in love with a werewolf. He’s my sworn enemy, but sparks fly between us. Now I have a monster to catch and a town to save, all while guarding my secret—and my heart—from a man who would kill me without a second thought if he knew the truth.

Rematch of the Titans

Rematch of the Titans by Samuel Gately


In a world where a titan is worth only his latest victory in the ring, Scott Flawless is the envy of them all. He’s dominant, fearless, and remarkably good-looking, at least according to him. But his self-proclaimed perfection will be challenged when he is dragged off to a far corner of the Open Nations. Here he’ll battle a new host of dangers as he squares off with a ruthless syndicate run by his late father and an unscrupulous manager with a predilection towards chains. In a city where the dead refuse to stay that way, being Flawless may not be enough to survive. Rematch of the Titans is part of a complete two-book arc within the Titan Wars series along with its sequel The Jaws of Hell. Readers can begin the Titan Wars series with The Headlock of Destiny or dive in right here.

Oathbreakers Anonymous

Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren


A knockout fantasy from author of The Dragon’s Banker. Pride comes before the fall. And when the great paladin Marluck of Kalash fell, he fell hard. Labeled an Oathbreaker and banished from the Temple of Fate, the once-champion had no idea why his goddess-given powers were stripped and his holy icon shattered. Only that a banished paladin can never return to the fold, and is doomed to eternal longing and misery. Bereft of his powers and cast down from his once-lofty heights, Marluck is rescued by the Oathbreakers Guild where other fallen paladins like himself meet to share their woes of banishment and pine for better days. But when a stranger in the group whispers of four holy sites where other Oathbreakers found favor once more, Marluck is helpless to resist the siren song of renewed succor within the fold of his goddess. Together with three other members of the group—each with demons of their own—Marluck sets out on a do-or-die quest to unravel the mystery of his fall from grace, and discover what it means to be a champion.

The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company)

The Ballad of Sprikit The Bard (And Company) by Sean O'Boyle


The Free Lands; a far off fantastical world full of noble warriors, gallant heroes and gentle souls. Sprikit The Bard is precisely none of these things. However he’s not without his own unique qualities. He enjoys the simple things in life; song, merriment and (mostly) victimless swindles. But this little Bard carries a secret. He has a mission to do, a promise to keep, as an elite force seeks to intercept him. The journey ahead is long and dangerous with hurdles aplenty; monstrous creatures, dastardly villains, laborious hikes and most of all - Sprikit himself. But he’s not without allies, reluctant and disdainful as they are. Help is help at the end of the day, and By the Notes does he need it. The clock is ticking. The cavalry is coming. And Sprikit The Bard doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. Bards love to tell tales of adventures, but will Sprikit last long enough to recount his own?

A Bastard's Birthright

A Bastard's Birthright by JE Payne


Deep in the Marduk jungle, an ancient artefact is recovered. Unlike anything discovered before, it launches the powers of the world into a brutal contest. Fleets set sail, mages plot, and assassins strike from the shadows, all seeking to control the most powerful artefact ever created. Whoever succeeds will have the power to either control the world or destroy it. And then there’s Calris and Jasmine. Calris Telruson, Royal Calandorian Marine and bastard, is living his best life. Sailing the high seas, fighting and drinking to his heart’s content with his best friend and his squad, he can’t imagine it getting any better than this. Jasmine Fastra, apprentice mage with ambitions of fame and fortune, is finally on track for her dreams to come true. Her experiments are making headway, and her long sought Adept’s robes are within reach, provided she can keep her temper somewhat in check. Their lives take a sharp turn when they’re thrown into the struggle over the artefact. Caught between the most dangerous forces in the world, they must fight with everything they have. Fists. Flames. The ever reliable headbutt. They must protect the artefact. If only anyone knew what the damn thing actually did...

City in the Dragon's Eye

City in the Dragon's Eye by Jordan Loyal Short


Red Dragons. Black Comedy. White-Knuckled Adventure. Viktor’s magic is turning him into a dragon. And it’s not pretty. To save his friends who've bumbled into a deadly ambush, Viktor draws too deeply on the power of the Dragon Well, and now a magical tumor has begun to change scale at a time. Viktor sets off on an irreverent quest for a cure that will lead him to a remote sanitarium. Here, he will uncover a mad doctor’s strange experiments, a stubborn dwarf with stinky feet, and rumors of an ancient mirror that may hold the key to Viktor’s very survival. As a mustache-twiddling secret society of dragon fanatics closes in, Viktor must choose between the power his transformation offers, and the hope of finding a cure. To the fabled Tyrant’s Tomb, Viktor races the mysterious Thule Society, where deadly traps and cryptic puzzles protect a treasure of unspeakable power. With every heartbeat the tumor’s corruption spreads. Can a court dandy and a disgraced scholar help Viktor find his cure? Or is it too late to save the city from a mad doctor’s dark designs?

Guarding Gus

Guarding Gus by Karryn Nagel


What would you do if you found a rare magical animal? Nico, who has just begun passing as a transgender man, relishes the quiet life working as a bonsai bodyguard. But during a chance encounter one night amidst the aftermath of a territory dispute, he meets Brant, an excitable, good-natured cookie bodyguard, and the two strike an instant friendship. They form an irresistible bond with Gustopher, a baby gargoyle in need, setting off on a thrilling 3-day adventure to rescue the little creature and reunite it with its rightful owner. As they set out on their mission, the mismatched duo encounter predicaments unusual to new foster parents. Unscrupulous enemies lurk in the shadows, eager to exploit Gustopher on the black market. In order to ensure Gus's safety, Nico and Brant must quickly learn how to nurture (what do gargoyles eat, anyway?) and safeguard their newfound charge. Fortunately, their journey leads them to encounter Remi the vampire, an eccentric cheese guard from Wisconsin, and Jasper, a seasoned traveler, who faithfully accompanies the renowned Manley Cup, the cherished trophy of a championship hockey team. Together, this peculiar quartet must combine their unique talents navigating both gargoyle-raising and crime-boss hunting. As they traverse the mountain metropolis of Multnomah, their hidden secrets gradually come to light, forging unbreakable bonds and solidifying their motley chosen family. And in the midst of it all, Gustopher surprises them with delightful…qualities, adding an extra dose of astonishment everywhere they go.

Susan, You're The Chosen One

Susan, You're The Chosen One by Lauretta Hignett


Starting over isn’t easy when your whole world is a pile of rubble and everyone thinks you’re insane. One moment, Susan Moore had the perfect life—a handsome husband, a fabulous career, wonderful friends, and a gorgeous home in Pacific Heights, San Francisco. The next minute, it was all gone. And Susan found herself in a straitjacket, locked in a padded room. An optimist at heart, Susan’s clawing her way back, rebuilding her life brick by brick—not an easy feat when you’re over the hill and it feels like the whole city hates you. But when a group of ridiculously gorgeous models in Fae cosplay barge into her tiny apartment and declare her to be the chosen one, Susan decides to play along. She’s off to save the world. Except they’re not in cosplay. Either Susan has really, truly gone insane this time… or all this magic is real.

Susan, You're The Chosen one is book one in the fun, fast-paced and thrilling new paranormal women's fiction series Welcome To Midlife Magic, by bestselling urban fantasy author Lauretta Hignett.

The Glorious and Epic Tale of Lady Isovar

The Glorious and Epic Tale of Lady Isovar by Dave Dobson


Lady Isovar is a mighty and supremely confident knight errant who tends to leap into adventure with both feet and then track it all over the rug. Chevson, her long-suffering squire and companion, is a former student of stone magic who spends most of his time keeping his mistress from causing enthusiasm-related injury to innocent bystanders. A tragic turn of events has sent them far from home, where they roam the countryside righting wrongs, smiting miscreants, deposing despots, and taunting their foes, often with seriously questionable one-liners. This new life is more than enough for Izzy, but Chevson wants nothing more than to set right what he harmed long ago. Following clues to sites of ancient power, they might just achieve his aim. That is, if they aren't murdered, dismembered, devoured, executed, roasted, or derailed by Izzy's bravado first. The Glorious and Epic Tale of Lady Isovar is an epic fantasy story of adventure, friendship, heroic battles, and vile villains. Content Warning: This book includes a lot of medieval-style violence and some gore (so long as it's not a Fourthday).

Death and the Taxman

Death and the Taxman by David Hankins


Never trust a dying auditor. Allies are few and hijinks are many in this hilarious race against time as the Grim Reaper himself tries to cheat death and avoid an audit by Hell's Auditor and the Office of Micromanagement. After sharing an ill-advised cup of tea with IRS auditor Frank Totmann, Grim finds himself trapped in Frank's life amid a world of dangers: love, betrayal, reckless cabbies, implacable demon hunters, and the incessant needs that keep his body ticking . . . for now. But what happens when Death isn't shepherding souls to their final destinations? When bodies refuse to die in a world-wide epidemic of miraculous survivals? Grim has seen this once before. He knows what's coming, and it's not good . . . Written in the witty comedic styles of Sir Terry Pratchett and Piers Anthony, Death and the Taxman is a lighthearted contemporary fantasy that began as an award-winning short story of the same name published in Writers of the Future Volume 39. Acclaim for that short story by readers and critics alike called it "brilliant and hilarious," "delightful and quirky," and "laugh-out-loud funny."

Wings and Wounds

Wings and Wounds by Dr. S.K. Burkman


Doc is just an ordinary veterinarian trying to make ends meet — until she stumbles upon an injured dragon and her world is turned upside down. Unable to resist helping an animal in need, she cares for the creature, but quickly realizes she may have bitten off more than she can chew as dragons from far and wide begin seeking out her medical assistance. Soon, Doc’s peaceful veterinary clinic becomes a trial by fire as she develops dragon medicine on the fly while trying to keep her unpredictable, occasionally destructive patients a secret. As she navigates unfamiliar anatomy, perilous physiology, and peculiar behavior, Doc must learn to bond with the extraordinary creatures that have chosen to trust her with not only their own lives, but their species’ survival. Can the Dragon Doc find a way to balance her normal life with helping her new patients — or will her career and her clinic go down in flames? One thing is for sure: life with dragons is never dull. And in the end, Doc might need the dragons just as much as they need her.

Quaint Creatures: Magical & Mundane

Quaint Creatures: Magical & Mundane by Andrew D Meredith


When a city councilor comes into Quaint Creatures and asks veterinary doctor Norrik Softstep to investigate the magical crate confiscated by his customs agency, the entire staff of Quaint Creatures will need all their skills and knowledge to unravel the troubles threatening the relatively peaceful city of Brightfall. From liches seeking city approval for their public adventurer dungeon, to strange goings on at the pet food factory, no problem is too magical nor mundane for Rik and his friends.

Them Old Bones

Them Old Bones by Astor Y Teller


Behind a veil of treachery and haunted bones, a dragon curse is about to set the world ablaze... Dragons didn’t exist until recently. Neither did traitors, until Miriam Huckerpucker started nosing around in The Vault where she and the other undeads are holed up, when they are not out in the countryside picking up haunted bones, which is what they do for an unliving. For Miriam, who has been in the game for a while, with a refined skill set in magic spelling and swordy gymnastics and mourning classes, the hard part is not bone picking but catching homing pigeons which like all living beings don’t fancy the undead at all. When no pigeons arrive from the undead expedition to barbarian lands, where the first known dragon’s bones lay waiting, Miriam suspects a traitor is messing about with the pigeon post. Mustering someone who is literally dying to get a new occupation and also getting an undead dog into the bargain, her investigations unravel a sinister plot far bigger than The Vault. (Content warnings: Adult situations, Adult language, Murder, Death, Suicide, Fear, Dark Humour)

The Trouble with Prophecies

The Trouble with Prophecies by Jake Joy

The heroes of old are gone and the world of Feydern has fallen into darkness. With the prophesised Chosen One missing, Feydern’s only hope lies with Derrick, the Last Wizard, but he doesn’t want to help. In his opinion, tracking down the missing Chosen One is an idiotic idea that will get them all killed. But prophecies must come true and despite his best efforts, he’s dragged along on the quest. Bandits, goblins, and warring grannies stand in the way of his freedom, but he finds his greatest obstacle is destiny itself. That’s the trouble with prophecies... They don’t really give you a choice.

Past Due

Past Due by Elliott Kay

Alex Carlisle owes a debt beyond cash. Once upon a time--all of three months ago--Alex found himself in a foreign land hunted by mercenaries and demon lords. Only the intervention of a sultry, playful jinn got him home again. Zafirah didn't help him for free. Now she's come to collect. With her sights set on a dangerous family of ancient sorcerers, Zafirah needs every edge. She needs not only Alex, but the friends and lovers he brings with him. Her quest threatens to extract a price from angel, demon, and mortal alike... and most especially the witch who brought them all together.

Personal Demons

Personal Demons by Elliott Kay

Alex always knew romance would be complicated. When love came into his life with wings and horns, he knew those complications would be a little unusual. Four months after meeting Rachel and Lorelei, Alex finally has a handle on divine visitations, supernatural enemies, and the echoes of reincarnation. He might even survive bringing an angel and a demon home for Christmas with the family. He might not survive what comes next. A favor for friends brings Alex into a heated feud among Seattle’s sorcerers. The lords of Hell aren’t pleased with the chaos wrought by Lorelei’s escape, and they’re looking for payback. Worst of all, her angry ex-boyfriend has blown into town…and he just happens to be the Angel of Death.

Natural Consequences

Natural Consequences by Elliott Kay

The exciting sequel to Good Intentions! Alex Carlisle has enough to deal with even on quiet days. Living with an angel and a succubus is no easy feat. One has divine responsibilities she can’t explain, and the other tempts him toward a decadent lifestyle he’s not sure he can manage. Add to that the stresses of college and trying to hold down a job, and it’s lucky Alex can even keep his head on straight. Yet the complications keep on coming. An amorous (and terrifying) werewolf won’t take no for an answer. Vampires from across the country want to know what happened to their allies in Seattle. To top it all off, events in the city have drawn the attention of Federal agents who know far too much about the supernatural, and they have no patience for the chaos that Alex and his friends leave in their wake.

Good Intentions

Good Intentions by Elliott Kay

He knew it was a dumb stunt from the start. A midnight run through a cemetery to impress a couple of girls is hardly the stuff of legend, but Alex Carlisle longs to escape the crushing mediocrity of life after high school. Then he stumbles upon the ritual, and the cultists, and two bound and bloodied women. Alex intervenes and the ritual blows up in his face, leaving him bound to them both: Rachel and Lorelei, an angel and a succubus. It’s hardly the sort of challenge a guy can face with dignity when he still lives at home with his mom. Alex never imagined falling for an immortal demon seductress, or that he’d spend his nights dodging her co-workers, her old boss, and every other supernatural freak in Seattle. He never thought a woman like Lorelei could have a rival like Rachel, either. But then, nobody ever said adulthood would be easy.

The Weird & Unexpected World of Ronald Taylor

The Weird & Unexpected World of Ronald Taylor by Jack T Canis

Recently retired, Ronald Taylor worried about his future, stuck in his bungalow w his wife of 40yrs. Then he encounters a Brownie relieving itself in his hedge. And he was worried he was going to be bored!

Banshees and Boba

Banshees and Boba by Nia Quinn

Chipped Cup

I’m Gemma: witch and single mom to a twelve-year-old sass bucket. When my corporate job gives me the heave-ho, I decide it’s time to try something new. Dragon manicurist? Golem artificer? How about monster-fighting mercenary? Have sword, will vanquish. Only my new job isn’t quite what I was expecting it to be . . . I’m too young for a midlife crisis–aren’t I? Read now on Kindle Vella and Laterpress!

Sigils and Sushi

Sigils and Sushi by Nia Quinn

Chipped Cup SPFBO10

I’m Immy. I suck at being a witch, but make up for it with style. If you don’t believe me, ask my demon roommates. I check in rental cars for supernatural customers leaving town, so I score whatever they ditch before they get on a plane home–and lemme tell you, they leave some weird stuff behind. Weird enough that sometimes it’s a toss-up if it’ll help pay the bills, or cause the next best thing to an apocalypse. I really don’t want to start an apocalypse, but I gotta eat. What’s a girl to do? Read now on Kindle Vella or Laterpress!

Hero's Choice

Hero's Choice by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor

Chipped Cup

Never get between a Dark Lord and his son. * * * Lord Mrakota adopts the boy who is prophesied to kill him and raises Hero as his own son. Despite the meddling of rangers, wizards, and Old Mentors, Mrakota protects and guides Hero to follow in his path as a Dark Lord. However, as Hero’s fifteenth birthday approaches and everything conspires to lead him to a final confrontation with Mrakota, Hero doesn’t know if he has a choice at all. Is he doomed to fulfill his destiny and kill his own father? * * * Hero’s Choice is a (sometimes darkly) humorous fantasy 15,000-word novelette parodying classic tropes of the genre while retaining lots of heart—because in the end, the family and friends we choose are always more important than fate.

The Singular Adventures of Jefferson Ball

The Singular Adventures of Jefferson Ball by David Perlmutter

There never was a heroine like Jefferson Ball. And, thankfully, there may never be. She is, simply, the most powerful humanized female dog in a universe full of them. Faster, stronger, more attractive to boys. Unbeatable as a lover. Unfortunately, her brains are not up to this quality, but don’t tell her that. About the only one who can is Major Hamilton Pomeranian, the diminutive ex-soldier who is Jeff’s best friend and conscience. When she gets too big for her limited clothing, Hamilton tells her what for. And it’s usually only after that point that they are able to escape from whatever convoluted situation they find themselves in. This potential collection will have readers both laughing and awestruck at the events that happen. And, hopefully, you will be one of them.

Honey And Salt

Honey And Salt by David Perlmutter

The story is narrated by Olivia Thrift, a.k.a. the Manitoba based pre-teen super-heroine Captain Fantastic. After filling us in about her background, she then proceeds to speak about her first meeting with the members of the Canadian Consortium of Super-heroines, all of whom are her age or slightly older and based in different parts of Canada. She is particularly thrilled to meet her idol Gerda Munsinger, a.k.a. Muscle Girl, also a Manitoban by residence, and even more so when Gerda befriends her. However, the joyousness of the occasion is marred when Captain Fantastic's arch-enemy Gridiron Girl arrives and tricks Captain Fantastic into literally fighting a losing battle with her. In doing so, Olivia loses the personal confidence required to sustain her heroic persona, and becomes meek and helpless, saved only from death by the timely intervention of Muscle Girl. It is discovered that a villainous race of men known as the Merch are responsible for this, as well as the kidnapping of the members of the Consortium en masse when Gerda and Olivia are otherwise engaged. As a consequence, Muscle Girl is forced to call the aid of her colleagues in the International League of Girls with Guns- The Brat, an alien only resembling a toddler; Power Bunny, a truly animated rabbit; Cerberus, the all-mighty Princess of Puppies; and Candy Girl, the Titan of Teens- to help her and a temporarily powerless Olivia set things right. Yet it will not be an easy task. And before it is over, they may all succumb to multiple kinds of weakness that will destroy them permanently....


Orthicon by David Perlmutter

The United States government discovers, to its horror, that the creatures featured in animated cartoons are not fabrications but real beings. Fearing the social and political consequences of the discovery being made public, they proceed to exile them off Earth to another planet. However, things do not go according to plan...

imPerfect Bones

imPerfect Bones by C.N. Rowan

The good news? There’s a way out of Faerie. The bad news? It’s through the heart of the Unseelie Court of Winter. And that’s not all. Maeve, Winter’s ruler, has been stealing human kids for her own twisted delights. Not only do we have to find a way to sneak into her lands, but also we’ve got to break in, rescue the stolen children and get them out again without her knowing. Or ... we go to war with the entire nightmarish Unseelie Court. I’m not so much running on empty as trying to push myself forward with the handbrake on. The odds of survival seem minimal. But who wants to live forever? 800 years is good innings by anyone's standards. I can't leave the kids behind to suffer her sadistic indulgences. We’ve got to get them out - or die trying. imPerfect Bones is the fourth book in ‘The imPerfect Cathar’ series, a darkly funny supernatural suspense mystery spanning Fairie and the south of France. Contains strong language and graphic violence. WINNER - BEST SERIES 2023 - SUPERNATURAL THRILLER CATEGORY - AUDIOBOOK REVIEWER AWARDS

imPerfect Fae

imPerfect Fae by C.N. Rowan

Body-jacking a legendary assassin when I’m running on empty. No problem, right? After the last few misadventures, I’m not so much broken as ruined, a shell of my former self. But I can’t stop. The trail of those who betrayed me is getting cold, and if I’m going to get any answers, I need to follow it, and now. Except it leads to Faerie. And the way is barred to all but the Fae. So I’m forced to go toe-to-toe with a mercenary assassin whose name has been spoken in terrified whispers throughout the ages. One who got the drop on me the only time our paths crossed. The Jack of Plate. Half-Marred Jack himself. A man who may be more than a monster. Survival isn’t just unsure. It’s highly unlikely. imPerfect Fae is the third book in The imPerfect Cathar series, a darkly funny supernatural suspense mystery following a trio of immortal heretics in the south of France. Contains strong language and violence. WINNER - BEST SERIES 2023 - SUPERNATURAL THRILLER CATEGORY - AUDIOBOOK REVIEWER AWARDS

imPerfect Curse

imPerfect Curse by C.N. Rowan

The problem with ancient promises? There's always a price to pay. I’m exhausted. Done in. Needing a stiff drink and about a week’s sleep. But that’s not going to happen. Because Franc is dying, struck by a curse placed on him by the Sistren Of Bordeaux, one of the most powerful groups of Talented in France. And because of our deal, it’s on me to find out what the hell is going on, and how Franc has offended the Sistren. Apart from by simply existing, of course. Except a simple trip to Bordeaux turns into a living nightmare as the past comes back to not just haunt me but to kick me square in the nuts, and I'm sent to the one place no Talented ever wants to go. Where those with magic either vanish or get ruined, left as nothing but empty husks. This time, it might not be the world at risk. It might be my very soul. imPerfect Curse is the second book in The imPerfect Cathar series, a darkly funny supernatural suspense mystery following a trio of immortal heretics in the south-west of France. Contains strong language and violence. WINNER - BEST SERIES 2023 - SUPERNATURAL THRILLER CATEGORY - AUDIOBOOK REVIEWER AWARDS

Everyone's a Catgirl! Volume 1

Everyone's a Catgirl! Volume 1 by DoubleBlind

The hit web series with over 2 million views comes to life in eBook and Paperback! The last thing Matt Kelmer expected at the gym was sudden death. The second to last thing he expected was an offer of reincarnation by a goddess intensely moved by his "valiant efforts" before his untimely passing. When the option of a world filled with catgirls hits the table, Matt is determined to live out one of his greatest harem fantasies. However, what awaits him in Nyarlea will test the limits of his strength, courage, and patience. The monsters are harder, the Experience scarce, and the girls run circles around him. Join Matt on his adventure of fighting Encroachers and battling Defiled. Every precious Level and Party member will aid his survival in perilous Nyarlea. With emotional twists, steamy nights, and chaotic surprises, Everyone's a Catgirl! will subvert your expectations one genre at a time.

Dead Culture

Dead Culture by Ross Young

Millicent Havercroft, a cheese merchant, and proud market stall holder, has been beheaded and placed on a shelf in the Gloomwood library. The city is suffering a spate of horrific food poisoning attacks. Augustan Blunt has been dumped by his long-time, on-again-off-again girlfriend. An organisation calling itself the ‘culture’ is covering the city in anti-food propaganda. But worse still… Something has happened to the Grim Reaper’s mid-afternoon snack. Somebody’s cheesed off…

Dead Festive

Dead Festive by Ross Young

There's no such thing as Christmas in the Grim Reaper's own slice of the afterlife, but there is Bleakest Day. As the festive season is in full swing, things are taking a sinister turn. Who would steal the Grim Reaper's baubles? Why does everyone hate the demonic refugees? Did Detective Blunt remember to get Sarah a present? The afterlife is in turmoil once again and it's down to Detective Blunt and the few friends he has to get to the bottom of things. On Bleakest Eve, everything is going to come together. The question is... who's been naughty and is anybody nice? Welcome back to the afterlife. Just remember, don't call it Christmas....

A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell (Or, An Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon)

A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell (Or, An Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon) by Luke Tarzian

BRIEFLY, A WORD ABOUT ORDER Order is the focal point around which existence revolves. Without order there is only chaos. And in the halls of Damnation (pronounced Dam-NAWT-ion, thank you kindly) the first sign of impending chaos is a cup of tea made without the water having first been well and properly boiled in a kettle. Why is this relevant, O nameless narrator, you ask? Who cares about the preparatory order of tea in the fires of Hell? Lucifer, dear reader. After all, how does one expect to properly greet the newcomers to Hell without having first had a hot cup of tea to bulwark the cold? Behold the Morning Star, frantic on the annual Morning of Souls, the arrival of Damnation's newest recruits. Someone has misplaced the kettle.

Order of the Red Hoods

Order of the Red Hoods by Tim Kreher

Werewolves, Melinda didn't believe in them until her bloodline called for her to. Dealing with paralyzing anxiety, Melinda wanted a quiet life, free from inciting situations. But after her best friend drags her to a lunar event, her life changes. A voracious howl erupts in the forest at the bottom of the rocky Lookout Point-a sound only she can hear. Bumping into an odd sibling pair, who know the truth, she is told that she is a descendant in a line of supernatural huntresses. The next day after an attack from a haired beast, the duo appear chasing it down. When Melinda follows them, she shifts through an invisible barrier, ending up in a different time. The three must find their way back, assemble a powerful weapon and kill the Father of Wolves before the next super moon. If they fail, a dark being will enter this realm and destroy the planet with apocalyptic destruction. Will Melinda be able to conquer this inherited task, or will she be subdued by the affects of anxiety?

Gnomes and Knights : A collection of short stories both whimsical and heroic

Gnomes and Knights : A collection of short stories both whimsical and heroic by Michael Parkes

Gnomes and Knights is a book in two parts. Gnomes is a whimsical collection of short stories about Fredrick Jerome Kopillus Gnome and the beautiful garden he calls his home. He's a magical critter who lives in Gertie's garden along with the other denizens, including a mole, a squirrel and a very sassy ant queen. Fred and his friends get up to all sorts of adventures and shenanigans while protecting the garden and venturing into the surrounding areas, like the garden of Gary Gremlin and the forest beyond the fence. With rhyming and magic and whimsy, Gnomes will have you spellbound with delight! Knights is the second part of the book, a tale of a nervous squire becoming an initiate of the Knight's Order and venturing out on a quest to fulfill his dream and his duty of serving his king. At the behest of his king, he sets out to aid the kingdom of Kyrbor in combatting the evil they face. Through cleverness, leadership and courage, Nathan the Knight overcomes obstacles and becomes more confident as he gains allies, helps those he meets along the way, and ultimately faces the cause of the problem head on.

How to Fix a Flubbed Summon

How to Fix a Flubbed Summon by L. N. Clarke

Making friends as an adult can be difficult. Summoning one can be a disaster. When apothecary Growina Crowe receives a witch’s grimoire as collateral, she attempts to summon an otherworldly companion. In the process, she forgets a boiling teapot, topples candles, and sets her herb garden ablaze. The next morning, a magic-eating monster besets her town, prompting a bounty hunt. Growina fears she may be responsible, but there are only two ways to find out for sure: wait for bounty hunters to catch her, or join one of the adventuring parties. Unfortunately, she lacks the social skills to make friends, or she would never have tried to summon one. Several cities away, actor Florian Honeybeard—unrecognizable without his feminine makeup—is mistaken for a soothsayer and accidentally kidnapped. To survive, he must improvise the role and assist a team of mercenaries. Their mission: collect the bounty on the magic-eating monster and apprehend the person responsible.

Dragon Your Bones

Dragon Your Bones by Tatiana Obey

Rasia is determined to slay a dragon for her Forging, a trial each child must succeed to come of age. All she needs to do is find the dragon’s den, slay the winged bastard, and haul it home before the deadline ends. Not so easy. But Rasia has Kai on her team—who may or may not have some secrets up his shroud. Nico needs to prepare for the bloodrites, a ritual ceremony as bloody as the name. If she succeeds, she’ll earn the title of Ohan, but first she’ll have to dodge assassins and hunt whomever placed the hit on her head and hopefully kill them before they kill her. In the Grankull, coming of age isn’t easy. There are always greater dragons to slay. DRAGON YOUR BONES is the introspective sequel to BONES TO THE WIND, full of political intrigue and a coming-of-age exploration. The novel includes strong female characters, LGBTQIA+ representation, and mature themes. It is appropriate for a NA/Adult audience, 18+.

Of a Strange World Made

Of a Strange World Made by Anthony W Eichenlaub


Scientist Ash Morgan doesn't mind breaking rules, but this is ridiculous. The colony of Edge is a bastion on the frontier of space and science, governed only by laws designed to bring humanity to the stars. Successful laws. Outdated laws, if Ash has anything to say about it. But when a child is born strange, Ash must decide which of the colony's rules must be followed, which ones can be broken, and which ones will inevitably lead to Edge's ultimate destruction.

The Rise Of Manifesto The Great

The Rise Of Manifesto The Great by Kerrie Noor

SPSFC 2023

Manifesto the Great comes from a dynasty of leaders who treat women like breeding machines. When his father dies, he must take over as leader, but will he be able to control the women?Planet Hy Man is a planet as pure as a baby’s belly button until a spaceship arrives. A spaceship full of celibate men and women hungry for all things ‘earthy’.They hurl themselves into a frenzy of real meat, real air, and procreation until a leader emerges to create order, civilization, and a sewage system.Manifesto the Great watches as his forefathers pollute the planet, treat women like they are walking wombs, and design dodgy robots until that is, it’s his turn.Will he rise over the tidal wave of discontented women, or will he drown under a sea of underwire and estrogen?The Rise Of Manifesto The Great is the first of three prequels to the Planet Hy Man science-fiction comedy series. If you like high-mileage heroines, fast-paced satire, and meticulously crafted universes, then you’ll love Kerrie Noor’s otherworldly farce.

Sister Grim - Issue 2

Sister Grim - Issue 2 by L.A. Cunningham

Lily Connors doesn't know who she is anymore. Bennett keeps calling her Death, and even if she refuses to believe it, as a ghost, he makes a pretty convincing argument. Especially, since he's not the only ghost who followed her home.


Messiah by P. A. Hayden

'An unwilling hero with an unwanted and flawed power.' Daniel must come to accept his old life is over and learn the extent of his new abilities all while on the run from the mysterious Level 8.


Errant by Montrez

16 year old Savannah becomes New York's most wanted while struggling to reclaim her life after the devastating loss of her father. As things continue going downhill Savannah witnesses an impossible phenomenon that triggers the emergence of a wild and powerful gift. While being hunted she finds refuge in a group of ragtag misfits. A Supernatural war is coming and Savannah will need to adapt to her new world or die trying.


TREBLE: THE RHYTHM WITHIN by Dre "DaBrute" Daniels

A mysterious virus has taken Washington D.C by storm! The city is in a panic and has gone crazy. A high school student named Zamir Green has been exposed to the virus and his body begins to mutate. It seems like music is triggering something deep down within him! What in the world is going on!? This series is an action drama/musical. Throughout the series our main character will discover that he has gained the ability to gain a different super power based on the genre he listens to. The powers are based on the emotional/stereotypical response that people in our world have toward particular genres of music. A mysterious virus has taken Washington D.C by storm! The city is in a panic and has gone crazy. A high school student named Zamir Green has been exposed to the virus and his body begins to mutate. It seems like music is triggering something deep down within him! What in the world is going on!? This series is an action drama/musical. Throughout the series our main character will discover that he has gained the ability to gain a different super power based on the genre he listens to. The powers are based on the emotional/stereotypical response that people in our world have toward particular genres of music.


Balor by Peter Harte

Discover the captivating world of Balor, a modern mythological superhero mystery comic set in Ireland. Join 18-year-old Sean James as he grapples with the tragic murder of his brother by Dublin's notorious drug gangs. In an effort to find solace, Sean journies to Loch Na Suil, where he stumbles upon the mystical Shrine of Balor. Bestowed with extraordinary powers, Sean sets out on a path of vengeance. However, a shocking discovery at a drug shipment forces him to shift his focus to unraveling a web of secrets. Prepare for an electrifying tale of retribution turned investigation in Balor!

Spaceman Steve and the Quest for the Awesome Artifact

Spaceman Steve and the Quest for the Awesome Artifact by Joel N. Cooper

Spaceman Steve is pretty sure he's in the wrong story. Steve knows he is a character in a fictional book, but he believes he should be in space killing aliens instead of fighting fire-breathing dragons, crossing enchanted rivers, and being thrown into dungeons. He finds himself in a medieval fantasy world, despite his high-tech space suit. Steve discovers the backpack he's wearing is magical, as he often pulls out objects that may or may not be helpful. The queen of Chradaria believes he is a wizard, so she brings him on her quest to find an artifact of great importance that could save her kingdom. Zab, a neighboring king who happens to be immortal, has a long history of doing whatever it takes to expand his borders. He sends his army into Chradaria, and the queen believes he will soon attack the capital city in an attempt to conquer her kingdom. As she fears for the safety of her people, the queen and Steve set off on a quest to steal the golden amulet that provides Zab with his immortality. Steve seeks to help the queen on her quest, while also mocking the author for his lazy writing.

Gobbelino London & a Collision of Catastrophes

Gobbelino London & a Collision of Catastrophes by Kim M Watt

“Ay up, Mogs. Bringer of mad tidings. What is it this time?” “End of the world,” I said. “Can’t get much madder than that.” We hadn't planned a return to Leeds. Not yet, anyway. It was all a bit dicey, what with half the Folk in the city wanting us dead, and apparently having no reservations about making it happen. But our friend Gerry is missing, and we've got to find him. Never mind the fact that anyone who can take out a troll is operating way above our pay grade. It's not like anyone pays us anyway, so what've we got to lose? It doesn’t take long to discover a missing troll is the least of our worries. Leeds has blown straight past dicey and into end times. The necromancers are back and as power-sotted as ever, and this time it's not just a few cats they want dead. It's everyone. So if we want any chance of life as we know it to continue, we need to stop them as well as save Gerry. Easy, right? We only have to get past Callum's dodgy family, my dodgy past, hopped-up magic-workers, feral weres, shady magicians, and the ever-present, ever-treacherous Watch. Oh, and did I mention the sorcerer's still giving me out of body experiences? Yeah. Good times. At least it can't get much worse. Can it …? This is the seventh and final book in the Gobbelino London, PI urban fantasy series, centred around the adventures of a mercenary feline PI and his human sidekick. It contains snarky cats and other gods, many bad jokes and terrible puns, plus a large serving of mythological and real creatures behaving badly. It will appeal to anyone who likes their fantasy funny, modern, and filled with friendship rather than romance - and also to those who suspect their cat may be living a great and secret life when they're not looking. A Collision of Catastrophes contains some violence, particularly involving over-enthusiastic senior citizens and enraged cats, but none of it is graphic. It contains no sex and only mild language. It does, however, contain blasphemy.

Misadventurous Episode One

Misadventurous Episode One by Shawn Drew


Adventuring looks so easy on paper, but in the real world, well… MISADVENTUROUS is a series of fantasy-comedy novellas where adventuring is big business and accidentally burning down towns is just another day on the job. Beden spent his entire childhood dreaming about becoming an adventurer, just like his hero, Proper John Gallant. When he left home and crossed paths with a mysterious warrior and a sometimes-competent wizard, he was sure he was on the right path. But adventuring is a tough business, and skeletons come in hordes, so now he’s more unsure than ever about his future. Jyden set out on her own, adventuring to prove that she wasn’t just a product of her upbringing. The group she found was with a pair of strange siblings and a misplaced, somewhat forgettable pirate, but she figured her natural skills would pull them through. But the adventuring world is a harsh one, and a few mistakes have her questioning her choices. Together, these two mismatched groups have to learn that to make a group more than the sum of its parts, it takes more than just a small failure in math. And unbeknownst to them all, forces are in play that will drag them, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the fate of the world itself.

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