Search results for “S.L. Dove Cooper”:

Sweetness Bled and Brindled

Sweetness Bled and Brindled by S.L. Dove Cooper

Jewel has spent his entire life making himself as small and invisible as possible. His healing magic is rare, powerful and dangerous. If he could, he’d spend his days caring for wounded animals or those unable to afford a physician. His older brother, the crown prince, has a far different use in mind for Jewel’s powers, however. He would much rather Jewel use his magic to extract information from captures spies, or simply torment whoever Henry chooses. Briar is here to rob the royal treasury. The youngest prince was little more than a mark, but she’s grown fond of Jewel’s gentle nature. She doesn’t have the heart to tell him that she’s nowhere near as good as he believes. When tragedy strikes and Henry makes his move, Jewel will finally have to face his brother, or lose himself forever.

Courage Is the Price

Courage Is the Price by S.L. Dove Cooper

Seventeen-year-old Rue doesn’t need anyone other than Ghost, her not-so-imaginary best friend. They’ve been inseparable for as long as Rue can remember and she shares everything with Ghost. The day before Rue returns home from school for the long holiday, Ghost disappears. Ever-fretful Rue tries to tell herself it’s fine, but she knows something is horribly, terribly wrong. She’ll have to overcome her anxiety find her courage and push her boundaries further than she ever thought possible in order to save her best friend, and perhaps make some new ones as Rue finds herself drawn into the fringes of a secret battle for human survival. Soft science fiction meets fantasy in this exciting novella-length adventure of daring and friendship.

Among the Glimmering Flowers

Among the Glimmering Flowers by S.L. Dove Cooper

Felicity feels stifled by her parents' protective nature. She's the crown princess, yet she's not even allowed to care for her own pony. Her life consists of nothing but rules and permissions. All she wants is a little more freedom. Horse-friend is happy to have a roof over his head, a job that he likes and food in his stomach every day. He never expected to run into the crown princess as she tries to sneak out of the castle. Or to get caught up in her clumsy attempts at having an adventure. It isn't long before trouble, rather than adventure, finds both of them, setting them on a course that will change their lives -- and the fate of the kingdom -- forever. Among the Glimmering Flowers is the story of how two lovers first became friends and the first book in a series exploring a demisexual/allosexual romantic relationship. Readers looking for a low-conflict, cosy story should enjoy this novel.

The Shimmering Prayer of Sûkiurâq

The Shimmering Prayer of Sûkiurâq by S.L. Dove Cooper

Kraken Collective

A deliciously queer magical person story in a secondary world with floating cities and airships, perfect for fans of She-Ra and Steven Universe. All thaes life, Oibe Ekêmai has wanted to become a lêqnaemi, a travelling dancer skilled at nudging the world’s magic into making everyone’s lives a little easier. Thae has trained years for their chance at the Festival of Paths, where new apprentices will be chosen. But the lêqnaemi have secrets they only reveal to those chosen to join their ranks and Oibe Ekêmai and thaes new friends soon find themselves thrust into an age-old conflict. With almost no preparation and certainly no training, their group will have to face the horrors all lêqnaemi have sworn to face and triumph, or the entire world may be lost to darkness forever.

A Promise Broken

A Promise Broken by S.L. Dove Cooper

Kraken Collective

It’s a rainy day when four-year-old Eiryn has to say goodbye to her mother. Scared, confused and unwilling to do so, Eiryn tries to summon water to stop the funeral from happening and her life falls apart. Her uncle is always sad and busy; she keeps hearing her mother’s voice asking her to follow; her best friend keeps getting into fights; and some of her classmates hate her for existing. Arèn never wanted children, but he’s desperate to protect his niece from his people’s extreme caution regarding magic and other races. Kerisaoina children aren’t capable of using it and his niece is no exception. Despite being only half-kerisaoina, Eiryn is already starting to show that she’ll be one of her generation’s most talented magic-singers and those who don’t approve of her existence are trying to take advantage of a young girl’s grief. Eiryn is determined to make her uncle happy, but it’s hard to make other people happy when you have to struggle through the day yourself. She’ll find a way, though. She’s promised. And even if her mother won’t keep her word Eiryn will keep hers. She’ll make everything right again. You’ll see.

Heart of the Covenant

Heart of the Covenant by S.L. Dove Cooper

Kraken Collective

In Heart of the Covenant, five stories explore ties of friendship, family and culture, embracing our differences and our similarities. Having applied to be an ambassador for her people within the Galactic Covenant, Hedriar has relocated to Cerulean Station, one of the Covenant’s largest residential stations. There, she’ll spend the next years sharing her own culture and learning about the Covenant’s as part of an exchange programme between the two. Hedriar may not have the most detailed of plans of what, or even how, to share the aspects of her culture that matter most to her, but she’s got enthusiasm, family and new-found friends at her side. She’ll figure it out, and along the way she’ll learn that what people value most may not be so different at the core. Heart of the Covenant is a cosy, low-stakes science fiction collection with a strong focus on slice-of-life narratives.

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