Search results for “Nikki McCormack”:

Heart of Vanris

Heart of Vanris by Nikki McCormack

Kasiel and his unit have made a name for themselves. Enough of one that they are now being sent to the northern capital to be paraded before the people as heroes and to escort the khevarin’s daughter back south with them. It is a mission that should give them all a much-needed break from fighting and allow Kasiel time to recover from his injuries. What starts as a simple assignment becomes more complicated when the khevarin’s strong-willed daughter decides Kasiel and his unit will continue serving as her personal guards. With the war ongoing and rumors of possible political alliances in the air, protecting her may prove far more dangerous and disruptive than they imagined. Still new to life as a soldier, Kasiel is unprepared for the complex matters of royalty and politics, especially while still learning to navigate the ever-complicated challenges of leadership and love.

Blood of Vanris

Blood of Vanris by Nikki McCormack

Kasiel’s healing injuries still trouble him, almost as much as the memories of what he did at the Hall in Katovan. Though he trains to become a better fighter and mind-crafter, a deeper understanding of the roles he is expected to fill makes it harder for him to come to terms with his place in Vanrian society. Then the southern kingdoms emerge with a new weapon for fighting Vanrian mind-crafters. One that could change the course of the war. The situation leads to Kasiel being required to take a more active role in the conflict sooner than planned. With his country’s growing need of mind-crafters like him, Kasiel learns what it really means to be at war, and what it feels like to lose. He is about to discover how far he’s willing to go to protect the ones he loves.

Child of Vanris

Child of Vanris by Nikki McCormack


At five years old, Kasiel was found with the pointed ends of his ears cut off. Despite that brutal start, he’s lived twelve peaceful years with the man who took him in. Keeping his hair long over his mutilated ears helps him hide the fact that he is Vanrian, a child of the enemy. Everything changes when mercenaries arrive hunting for Kasiel. The last people he expects to come to his rescue are Vanrian soldiers, one of whom claims to be his spirit brother, whatever that means. They plan to take him across the war zone to deliver him to his real father, a man whose name strikes terror in his enemies. With his secret exposed, Kasiel can’t return to his old home. This is his chance to find out who he was supposed to be. It means traveling to a foreign land where they have unusual psychic abilities he may share. It also means leaving behind everything he’s ever cared about. If he is to survive, he will need to learn their language and culture and earn his place in their society. Meanwhile, the man who cut Kasiel’s ears will do anything to keep him out of his true father’s hands, even if it means killing him.

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