jeannerolandwrites avatar jeannerolandwrites author

I love myth, art, and sword-and-sandals/ swashbuckler movies - all things beautiful, over the top, and dramatic. I love imagining myself into worlds inspired by these things through my writing.


Journeys: the Archers of Saint Sebastian

Journeys: the Archers of Saint Sebastian by Jeanne Roland

15-year-old Marieke disguises herself as a boy to infiltrate the archers’ guild of Saint Sebastian, where she becomes the squire of the dashing young Journeyman Tristan. Soon she’s vowing to help him win the guild competitions to become the prince’s new Guardsman, without ever letting him find out she’s a girl who loves him. Robin Hood meets Mulan and Princess Bride in this immersive adventure set in 14th century Belgium and packed with romance, wit, and longbow archery.

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