Monsters, Mayhem & Wild Magic by Noah Bodie In the harsh, forgotten village of Eyrei, Cerci Rivera, a determined intelligence operative with a troubled past, seeks the help of Ridge Thorne, a haunted monster hunter with a mysterious ability to hear the cries of the damned. As they navigate a world of magic, betrayal, and hidden truths, their growing bond is tested by their own secrets and the looming threat of a powerful enemy. Together, they must confront their deepest fears and uncover the dark forces that threaten to tear their world apart, all while discovering that, sometimes, the most unexpected alliances can lead to redemption and love. |
The Captain and the Guppy by Noah Bodie In the underground city of Pirn, Cedric, the enigmatic second-in-command of the feared pirate ship The Waning Moon, oversees an orphanage that provides refuge to the city's most vulnerable. Captain Hawke, the legendary Warden of the Seas, is known for his strength, cunning, and love for those in his charge. As tensions between them simmer beneath the surface, a deeper bond is tested when Hawke returns home wounded and weary, leaving Cedric to question their place at Hawke's side. |