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A.J. Calvin is a science fiction/fantasy novelist from Loveland, Colorado known best for The Caein Legacy series and The Relics of War series. By day, she works as a microbiologist, but in her free time she writes. She lives with her husband, a turtle, and a salt water aquarium.



Legend by A.J. Calvin

War has come to Novania as brothers fight brother for control of the throne. Colin is an unyielding and ruthless ruler without remorse for the atrocities he has committed. He has disowned his half-brother, for Andrew is dragon-kind. He has exiled Alexander for bearing the Mark of the Magi. He forced Thomas to flee under vague threats of assassination. Now his brothers have gathered allies in order to oppose him. Oppressed Novanians have rallied to their cause, the Corodan have gathered, and even magi from the Southlands have offered their unique talents in the fight. The kingdom burns and the blood of thousands is spilled. Under Colin’s command is a man as ruthless and cold as his king: Robert Claybourne, whose sole motivation is to annihilate the magi – and any who choose to support them. After seeing the power Andrew is capable of, Claybourne makes it his secondary objective to slay the last of the dragon-kind as well.


Serpentus by A.J. Calvin

Dispatched to Stone Hill to oversee the city’s defenses among nebulous rumors of the Shadow Council’s threat, Owen Greenwaters must rely on the city’s guard and its natural defenses to protect the citizens. But when an army of mythical hooded ones bolstered by a sea serpent and the Soulless arrive in the wake of a terrible storm, he knows there is little he can do beyond hope the walls hold – and pray to the gods he and Stone Hill’s people will survive. They are outnumbered, outmatched, and without magical support. Owen is the only knight present in the city. They will be overrun. The Soulless are merciless and rarely take prisoners, but Owen and the survivors of Stone Hill are exceptions… And some fates are worse than death.


Harbinger by A.J. Calvin

The Novanian king has gathered an army in the north with the intent to make war upon the magi. He has exiled all three of his brothers. Andrew and Alexander fled to the Southlands, while Thomas escaped into the hostile northern highlands, the land of Novania’s ancient foe, the insectile Corodan. While Alexander prepares to face Colin’s army in the south, Andrew makes the perilous journey through Novania to seek Thomas’ whereabouts and offer what aid he can. Traveling at his side is Rynn, a powerful mage with the ability to manipulate and form ice. When they fail to locate Thomas after days of searching, Andrew is forced to seek the aid of the Corodan. He has a long and bloody history with their people, and was responsible for the death of their previous Hive-queen. Uncertain if the Corodan will cooperate, but faced with no other hope of locating his brother, he ventures into the heart of the Corodan lands. Without Thomas, the brothers have no hope of overthrowing Colin and his tyranny. Without Thomas, Novania will continue to execute innocent citizens simply for bearing the Mark of the Magi. Without Thomas, the kingdom will be lost.


Hunted by A.J. Calvin

Chandra Grey had walked through life believing that she was ordinary, until a chance meeting with a man calling himself a summoner opened her eyes to another world of possibilities. The summoner’s life is one of secrecy, danger, and eternal conflict. Though powerful, the summoners have been forced into hiding; pursued tirelessly for millennia by the group calling themselves hunters, those sworn to destroy the Order of summoners and the demons they command. The allure of the summoner’s power cannot be resisted, and Chandra finds herself drawn into the conflict, discovering along the way that her twin sister has been recruited by the very organization that seeks to destroy her: the hunters.


Guardian by A.J. Calvin

Alexander has been sent on a perilous journey through the Southlands, a pilgrimage all would-be magi must undertake in order to develop their abilities. His brother, Andrew, was named his guardian by the Oracle, a strange woman with the ability to see glimpses of the future. The brothers do not know the land or its dangers, but both understand the importance of the journey. With the proper training, Alexander will become instrumental in opposing Colin’s tyranny in their homeland of Novania. Colin is king; he has reinstated the Mark Inspections and seeks to execute anyone born with the Mark of the Magi, whether they are trained to use their abilities or not. That his brothers escaped his grasp once is a source of ire for Colin, and he plans to make war directly on the magi to the south who harbor the fugitives. The natural dangers of the land may not stop Alexander from succeeding in his quest, but the royal assassins sent to pursue Andrew might prove to be their undoing. Andrew is sworn to protect his brother no matter the cost to himself… Even if he is the last of the dragon-kind.

War of the Nameless

War of the Nameless by A.J. Calvin

The god of death, called the Nameless by some, has been biding his time for millennia. His scheme to break free of his prison is nearing fruition, and with the aid of the Soulless bound to him, he seeks to regain his former power. The world has scorned him and it must face his wrath. Emra Castledowns has gathered an army to combat the threat the Soulless pose. Beside her are Vardak, a skilled warrior, renowned amongst his people and the protégé of the god of war, and Ravin, the most powerful wielder of magic the world has ever produced. The wizards have allied with her, the Five Kingdoms have lent soldiers and arms, and even the gods—sworn to remain neutral during mortal conflicts—have begun to choose sides. In spite of her army’s might, the power the Nameless begins to unleash is daunting. The death god is a threat to the existence of every kingdom, every race and nationality—even the Soulless who serve him are not immune to his thirst for revenge.

The Talisman of Delucha

The Talisman of Delucha by A.J. Calvin

Ravin is an anomaly amongst those who use magic. He refuses to join the Council of Auras and tie his fate to the wizards, and long ago escaped a terrible fate amongst the Enlightened, called the Shadow Council by some. His escape gave him freedom few others with his power enjoy, and he means to keep it, no matter the cost. Serving as an advisor to the Deluchan queen, Ravin learns a powerful relic is kept deep within the catacombs below the palace. War is on Delucha’s doorstep, brought about by none other than the council he fled from and their Soulless leaders. He resolves to retrieve the relic in order to combat the imminent threat, but collecting the Talisman of Delucha is not without its own danger. As the Soulless’ army prepares to besiege the Deluchan capitol, Ravin makes one final, desperate attempt to secure the Talisman. The kingdom’s survival depends on his success, but time is not on his side.

The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel

The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel by AJ Calvin


In the Murkor culture, it is customary for the individuals bound during the unity ceremony of ujar’havel to compose a book of memories detailing the events that led to their first meeting and subsequent desire to be joined. As a Murkor without a mother to guide him, Sal’zar is afforded unusual freedoms in his path to ujar’havel and the selection of a caste. In their strongly matriarchal society, his father’s voice holds little weight. He must forge his own destiny, though he struggles to find the proper way. Sal’zar knows he is unsuited to the soldier’s caste, but is running out of options. One fateful day, he journeys to the sparring ring to test his mettle, where he meets Jal’den. Jal’den is the same age, but has already proven himself a better fighter than most of the older children. Noting Sal’zar is without a sparring partner, Jal’den offers to pair with him, and so begins a long friendship that may ultimately become something more.


Exile by AJ Calvin

Andrew grew up in the royal palace of Novania, the eldest son of the queen. He went on to achieve fame and glory as a renowned soldier, and was eventually named commander of the king’s army. The kingdom believed he would be named heir to the throne, but he has long known he is ineligible. The king is not his father. The truth of Andrew’s lineage is only partially known to the king; the identity of his father is a mystery that even Andrew is unaware of. He knows only that his father was a dragon-mage, and the dragons have fled to another world. Andrew is a skin-changer, but the laws of Novania forbid his very existence. If the king were to learn the truth of what he is, he would face execution. The laws are equally hostile to humans born with the Mark of the Magi and the ability to wield magic. Andrew’s younger half-brother, Alexander, bears the Mark. The pair keep one another’s secrets into adulthood…Until the king dies unexpectedly and Colin ascends the throne. When Alexander’s Mark is revealed for all to see, Andrew is faced with a choice: To watch his brother be killed, or reveal his true nature in an effort to save him from the headsman’s axe.

The Moon's Eye

The Moon's Eye by A.J. Calvin


Explore a unique, new epic fantasy by A.J. Calvin, featuring species and gods not previously seen in other aspects of the genre. The Moon's Eye is the first installment of The Relics of War series.

Chosen for advanced training by the god of war himself, Vardak is considered a paragon amongst his people, the Scorpion Men. Yet his position and training come with a cost: He must serve the whims of the god, with no questions asked. Only days after his training is complete, he is sent far away from his desert homeland in order to act as the protector of the Fire Maiden’s mortal daughter, Janna. Janna has been tasked with the recovery of a magical relic known as The Moon’s Eye, but she has little worldly experience to guide her. The Immortals deem the relic’s recovery imperative, for it alone can combat the rise of the Soulless—those sworn to the fallen, nameless god of death. The Soulless are ruthless and powerful, and eager to wage war upon the land in order to appease the god they serve. Though Vardak is skilled in battle, he must lead Janna through several perilous areas in order to reach the relic she seeks, pushing his abilities to the limit. Unbeknownst to the pair, the Soulless raise an army and begin their conquest, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Will they secure The Moon’s Eye before all is lost, or will the relic itself prove to be their undoing?

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