

Unfortunate by Ayrton Silva

Wealth, power, and an easy life. Vaz had it all, but nothing could satisfy him. He always wanted more. When one of his plans makes his boss finally decide he is a threat, Vaz finds himself with only two options: to roll over and die, or to roll the dice. Literally. Due to an ancient pact between his people and a god of chaos, Vaz, like all citizens of his country, has a special die that grants wishes... if you get a 20. Anything else results in a grisly death. Vaz knew there would be a price to pay, but he didn't expect that, instead of getting his wish right away, he'd have to work for his own safety. Worse: that he'd have to work for the sake of another person. Now a fugitive forced to prevent a young woman's death, Vaz is confronted not just by the ugliness of his world, but by his own part in it.

AdultMystery, Thriller, and SuspenseFantasy/DarkDiversity Representation/Own Voices

Content Warning: Violence, gruesome deaths (cat mauling, scorpions)

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lamichi avatar lamichi author

Worldbuilding: Aided the story
Plot: Mostly clear
Characters: Roles are clear
Storytelling: Balanced
Immersion: Didn’t want to put the book down
Emotional Response: Engaging
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Matches the story well
Content Warnings: violence, animals maul people to death, scorpions, debt traps

OMG this novella is like Dark City meets Jumanji (with lots of deadly twists). I couldn't put it down!

Submitted by lamichi avatar lamichi on

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