Merchants of Milan


Merchants of Milan by Edale Lane

Three powerful merchants, two independent women in love, one masked vigilante. Florentina, set on revenge for her father’s murder, creates an alter-ego known as the Night Flyer. Madelena, whose husband was also murdered, hires Florentina as a tutor for her children and love blossoms between them. However, Florentina’s vendetta is fraught with danger, and surprising developments threaten both women’s lives. ˃˃˃ "The Night Flyer character is kick-butt glorious!" Merchants of Milan is the first book in Edale Lane’s Night Flyer Trilogy, a tale of power, passion, and payback in Renaissance Italy. If you like gadgets and gismos, rich historical background, three-dimensional characters, and fast-paced action with a slow-boil lesbian romance, then you are sure to love this series.

AdultDiversity Representation/LGBTQ+Historical FictionRomance/Action and AdventureRomance

Content Warning: Fight violence

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