The Oathsworn Legacy


The Oathsworn Legacy by K.R. Gangi


Rawley and Baelin make a living the only way they know how—protecting the people of Centrum by slaying the dark things that stole their childhood: monsters, and everything evil. Though the work never ends, and there’s plenty of coin to go around, Rawley and Baelin discover a sinister secret hidden deep within the crevices of Centrum’s past. Centuries of lies and deceit unravel before them, and they soon find themselves shifting from mere mercenaries to a force that will last generations. At least, that’s their hope. Dwarves in the west, Wroughtmen in the north, Elves in the east, and a tyrant king ruling with an oppressive fist, Rawley and Baelin find themselves balancing on the precipice of total chaos. With friends and allies at their sides, will everything they’ve accomplished be enough to save them from the shadows rising, or will a plot that’s generations old finally drag everything into the abyss?

AdultFantasy/Epic and High

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