Christmas Night of the Scurry Furry by E. Reyes Amber, a young woman working in a small retail store on Christmas Eve, finds herself amid chaos when the hot holiday toy, Scurry Furry, comes to life and begins wreaking havoc. The once-adorable creatures become a horde of vicious monsters, leaving a trail of destruction and gore in their wake. With no outside help, Amber and her employees must take matters into their own hands and fight against the Scurry Furry army. The situation is darkly humorous, as Amber and her team wield anything they can find as a weapon, from baseball bats to candy canes. The battle is gory and intense, but Amber refuses to back down. Will she be able to save the store and survive the night? Adult • Horror • Short Stories Content Warning: Violence, gore, death |
Get Christmas Night of the Scurry Furry
Reviewed by CJDaley writer on :
Worldbuilding: Piqued curiosity
Plot: Straightforward Characters: Roles are clear
Storytelling: Descriptive
Immersion: Didn’t want to put the book down Emotional Response: Engaging
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Matches the story well Great creature feature |
Submitted by CJDaley on