Search results for “Michael Procopio”:

Red Flags

Red Flags by Michael Procopio


Mateo Ɓlvarez-Moreno is an undercover agent at the Department of Supernatural Activity (DOSA) and has recently been assigned his worst mission yet: as the lead on the reality TV dating seriesĀ Red Flags. As if being the first gay and non-white lead suitor wasnā€™t overwhelming enough, intel from DOSA suggests that one of the other contestants is secretly a demon. Mateo has been tasked to apprehend the monster before it can kill or maim the other contestants and crew members. Thereā€™s just one tiny problem. One of the guys heā€™s falling for might be the demon heā€™s supposed to kill. Now Mateo must put aside his feelings until the mission is complete or he risks starring in the most murderous season inĀ Red FlagsĀ history.

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