Search results for “Ellie Raine”:

Willow of Ashes

Willow of Ashes by Ellie Raine


Prophecy foretells twin brothers stand at the center of the world’s destruction. Some hope they bring salvation. Others fear they bring death. Twins Xavier and Alexander were born with their magic split in perfect halves. Alexander is gifted in the art of resurrecting corpses. Xavier is talented with binding souls into lifeless vessels. Alone, they’re magically crippled. Together, they help lost spirits have a second chance at life. Many oracles believe the two were chosen by the Gods and will be the key to the world’s salvation when the time comes. Others are convinced their coming foretells doom, and seek to rid the realms of the threat they pose. On the night Xavier would announce his betrothal to his childhood love, Death Princess Willow Ember, he is hunted down by a ruthless assassin and thrown from a cliff into the ocean below. Xavier is declared dead, leaving Alexander incomplete and Princess Willow alone in grief. But while Xavier’s body was never found, his soul was ripped free and bound inside his brother. With most of his memories missing, Xavier is cursed to live a secret coexisting life with his twin. Now the two embark on a perilous journey across the five realms of Nirus hoping to bring Xavier back. Joined by the scythe-wielding Death Princess and her warrior Aide, Lilliana, the twins discover they are not the only party vying for his return… and the assassin was not the only one seeking his death. A Dark power is growing as their adventure of hope becomes a living nightmare, and they must face colossal dragons, undead hordes, and a vicious demon queen to survive.

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