Search results for “Casey Hanner”:

The Dolor Chronicle

The Dolor Chronicle by Casey Hanner

Graham Grey, his name is as depressing as he found himself to be. Suicidal and unfulfilled in his life, he desperately attempts to find something, anything, that would help him connect and feel he belonged in his world. He dreamed of something greater than himself, some greater meaning in life, but never could seem to find what he was looking for. His story starts at the end of his life by the hands of fate and continues to expand as he discovers everything he had been longing for and more. Who would have guessed the great disco motel in the sky would bring Graham to some peace, but for how long? His thirst for excitement is not quenched in the comfort of the heavens and he is plunged into the world of Dolor at the hands of his gods to continue to fulfill his passion to learn, but at what cost? He encounters some dark and sinister truths to living. Will Graham be able to survive this world? Will he be able to survive himself? Can he survive the harsh realities that Dolor shares with his previous life?

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