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The Vampire Mariki

The Vampire Mariki by Joseph Howard

Worldbuilding: Aided the story
Plot: Mostly clear
Characters: Roles are clear
Storytelling: Descriptive
Immersion: Satisfying, fulfilling experience
Emotional Response: Strong emotions
Thought Provoking: Did some research after reading
Cover: Matches the story well

This book got me into vampires even more. Joe has a great imagination and this book has been added to my favorites.

October Monk

October Monk by Joseph Howard

Worldbuilding: Aided the story
Plot: Straightforward
Characters: Some more thought out than others
Storytelling: Descriptive
Immersion: Didn’t want to put the book down
Emotional Response: Strong emotions
Thought Provoking: New ideas came up
Cover: Adequately represents the story

Such a touching story. I have followed Joseph Howard for years and knew of his life, this autobiography does not even tell half of what he has experienced, but it does tell enough. Being able to understand the spiritual journey he has been on helped me with mine.

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